Chapter 152

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Two Weeks Later
Barry's Point of View

The past two weeks have been awful. The two new villains running around have been causing mayhem everywhere. Cisco is calling the two killers, Blood Work and Midnight. Nia keeps on seeing Midnight's kills, causing her to be terrified to go to sleep. Some of the Justice League members were at headquarters. We wanted to try and find the villains. We haven't even gone up against them yet. Everything seemed normal till Caitlin got a phone call.

"Hello.", Caitlin said answering the phone. "Oh my gosh! Ramsey, hi. Wow. Yeah. It's been a long time. Um, sure. I can meet up for coffee. Yeah, I'll see you soon."

Caitlin hung up.

"Who was that?", Julian asked.

"Ramsey Rosso. He was an old college friend."

"Oh yeah.", I said remembering him. "I remember you guys used to be close. What ever happened to him?"

"We'll I'll find out. It's always nice to meet up with an old college friend."

"Just be careful, ok.", Cisco said. "The last time you met up with an old college friend, they tried to kill us all."

"Yeah.", Jessie said. "I remember that."

"Maybe someone should go with you just incase.", Julian said worried.

"I have someone with me.", Caitlin said. "She's called Killer Frost."

Julian didn't look convinced.

"I'll go with her.", I said. "I knew Ramsey so it'll be nice to catch up." I then turned to Kara. "And I will be able to pick the girls up from school too."

"Ok." Kara pulled me into a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you too."

After checking on the kids, I super speed Caitlin and I to CCJitters. Ramsey was sitting already at a table. We walked up to him.

"Caitlin!", Ramsey said hugging Caitlin. Ramsey then saw me. "Barry! How are you mate?"

"I'm good.", I replied. "How are you?"

"I'm good." We sat down. We talked about our lives for a while. There was an uncomfortable silence for a while. "You know, I was surprised when you two announced as meta humans." Caitlin and I looked awkwardly at Ramsey. "Well, just because you both didn't show any signs of super powers in college."

"Well we didn't have our powers in college.", Caitlin replied.

"Ah." An awkward silence fell over us before Ramsey sighed. "Not to seem rude, but do you ever wish you were normal?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you ever wish you didn't have powers."

Caitlin's eyes flashed white for a second. If I wasn't a speedster, I would have missed it. I could tell Killer Frost didn't like that question.

"Absolutely not.", I said answering the question. "Being a meta human is apart of who we are. I would never want to change that." Ramsey just nodded. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. He seemed nervous. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Ramsey then got a message on his phone and he then smiled. "I've got to go. It was great catching up."

Ramsey then left, leaving Caitlin and I there.

"Was I the only one that thought that was weird?", I asked Caitlin.

"Yeah.", Caitlin said. That's when Killer Frost came out. "I don't like that guy. Can I ice him?"

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