Chapter 161

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Kara's Point of View

We had just arrived in Keystone. We rented out our old camp for the day. That way the kids can all have fun and the adults can hang out. The entire Justice League was coming. The team was already there. John ran off to where Harrison, Martin, and Emma were playing near the pond. Nora met up with JJ and Conner. Alura tackled Tim, the new adopted son of Bruce. We laughed as we looked around at all our friends. Felicity and Oliver, Caitlin and Julian, Cisco and Gypsy, and Winn and Nia walked up to us.

"This place is so beautiful.", Nia said.

"Why did you guys choose here?", Gypsy asked.

"This is where Caitlin, Kara, Barry, Cisco, Winn, and I met.", Felicity said.

"Sure does bring back memories.", Winn added.

"Remember when Winn taught us how to play BS.", Cisco said.

Barry laughed.

"And remember when Felicity walked in, late as usual.", Caitlin added.

That was my time to laugh.

"Do you remember when we talked about our past?", Barry asked looking at me.

"Yeah.", I replied. "We snuck out of the cabins and cried together. Great bonding experience."

We all continued to laugh and talk about when we were kids. I looked up at the sky and smiled as a memory came into mind.


It was the day of my thirteenth birthday. I was staring out my window when my mom came in.

"Hey mom."

"Hello sweetie." Mom sat next to me. "I wanted to talk to you about something." I looked up at her. "You are a teenager now. Which means you'll start to want to date soon."


"Let me finish. I just wanted to say that I am ok with that. But don't fall in love. Save that for the man you are meant to be with."

"How will I know?"

"Oh. You'll know. From the day you lay eyes on him, you'll know."


"I'm Barry."

I looked at the boy who had picked up my glasses. I felt a warmth in my chest. He seemed nice.



I smiled as I looked over at Barry. I really did know that I was in love with him then. He's my life.

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