Chapter 139

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The Next Day
Kara's Point of View

I woke up with this strange feeling, like something wasn't right. I slowly got up and noticed something different right away. I wasn't pregnant! How did this happen!

"Honey!", I yelled. I looked up but I didn't hear a response. Also, my room looked entirely different. I got up and quickly went into the family room. I realized I was in a small apartment. I then saw a picture of Wonder Woman back in World War One. But what was most freaky, was that I was in that picture instead of Diana. "What in the world is going on?"

I then got a text from someone I didn't recognize.

Thomas : Diana. Where are you? You are late for work. The museum opened twenty minute ago. Get here soon.

Who is Thomas and why is he calling me Diana? Clark may know something about this. I found car keys and drove the car to Metropolis. I walked into Daily Planet, and was immediately met with Lois.

"Diana Prince.", Lois said. "What are you doing at the Daily Planet?"

"Diana?", I asked. Everyone thinks I'm Diana. "Right. I'm Diana. Um, I'm here to talk to Clark Kent."


"Clark. Your husband?"

"I'm not married. Are you ok girl?"

"Yeah." This is bad. "Do you know a Kara Danvers?"


"Ok. Thanks." I walked out of the Daily Planet. I got out my phone and looked through contacts. I saw Barry's name. I called him. "Barry?"

"Kara!", Barry yelled. I sighed in relief. "Where are you babe?"

"I'm in Metropolis. I just finished talking with Lois. Something freaky is going on."

"Your telling me.", Oliver added. "Everyone thinks I'm Barry, and everyone thinks Barry is me."

"Well I woke up being Diana. And apparently Clark and I's pods never landed on Earth."

"Well we are coming to get you.", Barry said.

Barry and Oliver then speeded next to me. Barry and I kissed. Barry then looked down confused.

"Some how I am no longer pregnant.", I said reading Barry's mind. "Also, where are the girls?"

"No where to be found.", Barry said sadly.

"What is happening to this world?"

"We wish we knew.", Oliver added.

"Well what are we supposed to do? Should we go to Star Labs?"

"I tried talking to them earlier. They thought I was crazy."

"What about the DEO?"

"Bad idea.", Barry said. "Alex tried to shoot us."

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

We all stopped talking when screams were heard. Oliver stopped a girl.

"What's going on?", Oliver asked.

"A machine is attacking Ivo Labs!", the girl yelled.

She then ran past us.

"It's time to suit up.", Barry said.

"But we aren't ourselves.", I said.

"We will have to deal with what we got.", Oliver said.

We all suited up. Oliver was wearing the Flash suit, I was wearing the Wonder Woman suit, and Barry was wearing the Arrow suit. Oliver super speeded us to Ivo Labs. We saw the robot. I went to punch, but the robot threw me back. Barry tried to shoot an arrow, but he missed. Before Oliver could super speed at it, the robot showed symbols on his chest and super speeded away.

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