Chapter 140

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Barry's Point of View

I always hated being in confined spaces. I banged on the top. Maybe I have my speed again? I phased through the box and through the dirt. I coughed as I came from the ground. I was buried? I looked at the tombstone that I came from. Pietro Maximoff. Who is that? My thoughts were interrupted when a lightning strike hit the ground next to me, sending me flying back. I looked up to see red skies and yellow lightning. What is happening! I need to find Kara or Oliver. My clothes were all dirty, and I had bullet holes in the shirt. Weird. I decided to super speed around, to try and figure out where I was. I started speeding around the city, when I stopped at a building. It had an A on it. Could this be the Avengers? I phased through the walls and went to the top. I saw a group of people talking. I gasped once I saw someone I did not expect, Oliver! Oliver got up and went to the bathroom. I super speeded there. Oliver almost screamed but I covered his mouth as we hid in the bathroom.

"Barry!", Oliver said giving me a hug. "What happened? And why do you look like you just rolled around in dirt?"

"Hey Oliver.", I said. "I think reality some how got rewritten again. I was buried under ground."

"Well I saw blue mist and then I was in this tower with the Avengers. I've been asking them questions for about an hour. These people are the Avengers you were talking about. And apparently I'm a guy named Clint Barton. You?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm a dead guy named Pietro Maximoff."


"Yeah." Oliver looked at me worried. "Why?"

"Because one of the girls in there is named Wanda Maximoff. She said her brother had died saving my life. You need to get out of here before someone sees you."

"I'll be fine. But we need to find Kara. Why is it, that every time, we have to find Kara?"

"Don't ask me. That's the authors fault."

"The-,". I went to ask what he was talking about but decided against it. "Well we know we aren't ourselves. It seems we have our powers again. Maybe we shou-,".

"Hey Clint!", a man yelled. "You ok in there?"

"Um, yeah Steve.", Oliver said nervously. "Just doing my thing."

"What are you doing?", I whispered.

"Shut up."

"What was that?", Steve asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just really would like some privacy."

"Um, ok then."

We heard Steve walk away.

"That was too close.", I said.

"Yeah.", Oliver replied. "What should we do?"

"Finding Kara is our top priority. I'll search the city for her."

"Boss.", a voice said from the ceiling.

"What was that?"

"Friday. Stark's AI.", Oliver replied.

"It seems a space craft is coming into Earth's atmosphere.", Friday said. I could tell it was talking to the others. "Would you like me to send you the coordinates?"

"Yes Friday.", another man said. "Let's suit up."

"Come on Clint!", a girl yelled. "You can pee later!"

"See ya.", I said.

I phased through the walls and super speeded to the city. I saw the space craft coming towards the docks. It would destroy a lot of the land if it didn't slow down. I super speeded to that area and used my arms to create a vacuum to slow down the craft. As it landed, I bounced back. I then heard noise from behind me. I saw the Avengers and Oliver. One girl looked at me shocked.

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