Chapter 26

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Kara's Point of View.
Two Days Later.

I woke up to having another nightmare. I've been having them for the past two nights. It started off with me at the DEO. Monel and me kiss, and Barry sees. Then Barry dies right in front of me. Thats when I wake up. I wiped off my tears and stretched. I got a little more worried about Barry. I decided I would call him.

"Hey Barry.", I said into the phone.

"Hey Kara.", Barry said yawning.

"Oh my Rao. Did I wake you?"

"No." Barry yawned into the phone. "Not at all. What's up?"

"Um, I just...ah...had a dream about you. I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Yeah. I'm ok. But I could come over if you would like."

"Barry. You don't have to."

Just then Barry appeared in my apartment with pizza and potstickers. He hung up his phone.

"You sure you're ok?", Barry asked.

"Maybe I need a little cheering up.", I said. I then grabbed the pizza and potstickers out of Barry's hands. "But I'm sure I'll be better soon."

"Is that because I showed up, or because of the food I brought?"

"Could it be both?"

We dug into the food and watched a romantic movie together. I have been noticing Barry has been extremely romantic this past two days. He even put a dozen roses in my apartment yesterday.

"Hey Barry.", I said pausing the movie.

"Yes Kara.", Barry said finishing a piece of pizza.

"Why have you been so romantic these past few days?"

"Does there have to be a reason?" Barry rubbed the back of his neck. I know that that means he is upset about something. I gave him an upset look. "What?"

"I know something is wrong. You rubbed the back of your neck. You only do that when you are nervous or something is bothering you. What is it?"

"Um...nothing. Nothing is wrong."

"Barry Allen. You better tell me what is wrong this instant."

"Fine. It's about two days ago. After I visited Starling city, I went to visit you."

"But we never talked." Barry gave me a sad look. "What did you hear?"

"It's not what I heard. It's what I saw." My mind then went back to me and Monel kissing. Please tell me he did not see that. "You and Monel were talking. He commented on how beautiful you were. And then you guys kissed."

Barry looked like he was going to cry. I hated seeing him this way. I hated myself for even letting Monel do that. I took off my glasses and sighed.

"Barry, I never meant to hurt you. It wasn't even really a kiss. I pulled away as fast as I could. It just surprised me."

"Kara. I can't lose you. Not again."

"What are you talking about?"

"It seems I have always been second. I have been second with James and Monel. And I might even be second with someone new that comes along." Barry took a jagged breath as he continued. "I lost my mom Kara. The moment you find someone you love more then me, I'm going to lose you too."

I leaned in and kissed Barry. We kissed for a while before breaking apart.

"There is no one else I would rather be with then you.", I said. "I'm in love with you Barry. And only you."

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