Chapter 46

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Kara's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up with Barry on my couch. I smiled at him and he woke up. He kissed me and I kissed back.

"Morning beautiful.", Barry said.

"Morning.", I replied. "How's my favorite scarlet speedster doing?"

"Great now that I got to wake up next to you."

"Same here." I held Barry's hand and he put his arm around me. "I wish we always had days like this."

"Peaceful and no villains to ruin it." Barry looked down. This whole Reverse Flash thing is hard on him. "And with you by my side. I would love to do that every day."

"Hey, how are you taking this whole thing about the Reverse Flash?"

"Better. I just still can't believe that I was working with the man who killed my mother this whole time."

"I can't believe I trusted him either." My mind went back to all the times that I trusted Barry's life in the hands of him. "I just don't understand why all this time he pretends he likes us."

"When in reality, he wanted me dead from the start."

"Hey." I looked Barry in the eyes. "Reverse Flash will have to go past me, if he wants to kill you."

"Same goes for if Monel's parents try to kill you, I won't hesitate to save you."

Barry is the best boyfriend in the world. But, I'm afraid for his life constantly. Reverse Flash wants him dead, Monel wants him dead, and every meta human he goes up against wants him dead.
If Barry gets seriously injured or worse, I don't think I could handle it.

"I love you Barry Allen.", I said.

"I love you too Kara Zorel.", Barry replied. Barry than grabbed the remote. "Want to watch something?"

"Sure." Barry turned on the remote. It showed there was an attack at CatCo. "I've got to go." I kissed Barry. "Be right back."

"Go get 'em.", Barry said.

I flew to the scene and got the alien, Marcus, to stop destroying the building. His eyes were glowing but then they turned back to normal. I flew back to the DEO, where Barry was waiting with Alex, Winn, and John. I took Marcus to a containment cell.

"Marcus is a good kid.", James said walking in. "He wouldn't attack anyone."

"His eyes changed.", I said. "Marcus wasn't in there when his eyes changed, it was like he was possessed."

"What could this mean?", John asked.

"When Marcus and his mother both lost control, there was a spike in unnormal activity.", Alex said. "Maybe that's what is causing them to cause so much damage."

"I could try to track the signal, but that could take days.", Winn said.

"Star Labs could do it probably in a couple hours.", Barry said. "If you need help, Star Labs can do it."

"Yes.", John said. "This spike could cause so much damage. We will work on finding Marcus' mother, while Star Labs finds the source of the spike."

"Got it." Barry kissed me on the cheek. "I'll be back in a Flash."

Barry super speeded away. We worked on trying to find the location for a couple hours. I then remembered Lena was working on something like that so I called her.

"Hey Lena.", I said.

"Hello Kara.", said Rhea. Rhea! What is she doing on Lena's phone! "Or should I say Supergirl."

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