Chapter 27

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Kara's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up to see myself still in cell. Monel was trying to calm down some of our other cell mates. I stood up with an aching feeling in me. I hate not having my powers! I then saw Ms.Sinclair walk towards us.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her.

"Selling humans as slaves.", Ms.Sinclair replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to save all of these people."

"Well that won't happen." Ms.Sinclair then walked away. It was hours before she came back. I was so hungry. "Congratulations. You all have been sold."

But, she was wrong. We escaped. Winn and Alex came to our rescue. When we got back to Earth, my cells were really low, so I had to rest. And that's what I did. But before I went to sleep, I thought about Barry.



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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up in the medical wing of Star Labs. Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, and Harrison Wells were all watching me sleep and looking at my vitals. When I got up, they all looked at me with curiosity and worry.

"Thank god you are ok Barry.", Caitlin said with a sigh.

"What happened?", I said a little fazed.

"You tell us.", Cisco said. "We saw you passed out on the floor."

"What happened Mr.Allen?", Wells asked.

"The man in yellow happened.", I said shyly. "I saw him at my lab, and I went after him." I got up to stretch. "He said we have been doing this for a long time. But we only met twice. Once when I was eleven, and the other last night."

"Barry.", Joe said. "He might of just been trying to get into your head."

"Maybe. Maybe not." I walked over to the main computers. "We need to catch this guy."

"We will Barry.", Wells said. "Let's get that trap ready Cisco."

"Barry.", Joe began. "I think it'll be best for all of us if you didn't come here when we capture him."

"But this isn't your fight!", I yelled. "This is mine!" I then super speeded out of Star Labs. I needed to talk to Kara. I got to the DEO, where James was looking around. "What's up James?"

"I can't find Winn. Or anyone else from the DEO for that matter.", James said.

"Yeah. I...I just really need to talk to Kara. Please tell me when she gets back from hanging out with...Monel."

"Sure thing Barry. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure."

I then super speeded out of the DEO, and stayed a couple hours in my lab. I had been watching my phone, just hoping that Kara would call. Sadly, no one did. I then got an OSS text from Caitlin. I super speeded to Star Labs, where I stopped the yellow man from killing everyone. We fought and I lost. But the burning man saved my butt. It was Ronnie, Caitlin's old finance. I then went to visit my dad.

"Hey dad.", I said.

"Hey slugger.", my dad said.

"I had the man that killed mom. But he got away."

"Barry. It's ok. No matter what you do, I'm holding you back. Don't be held back any longer. You waited so long to get a girlfriend."

"I'm actually dating Kara."

"She's a great catch. Be good to her."

"Thanks dad. Love you."

"Love you too slugger."

I then went home and decided to talk to Iris.

"Hey Iris. Can we talk?", I asked.

"Sure.", Iris began. "Oh! Guess what! Me and Eddie are moving in together!"

"That's great. I'm so happy for you. At least someone has a happy relationship."

"Barry. What's going on?"

"Kara kissed another guy, and she has been hanging out with him a lot. She says she loves me and won't leave me, but I'm scared that this guy won't stop."

"I'm so sorry Barry. If you need any support, I am here."

"Thanks Iris. But I'm gonna go to bed."

I walked up to my bed and fell asleep. I then cried myself to sleep.

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