Chapter 43

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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I had just gotten a call from Eddie. He was been framed for the shooting of the two cops. The district attorney, Cecilia, said the best she can do is try to keep Eddie out of jail. But that was a maybe. Iris was freaking out. I hated seeing her in so much pain. She was like a sister to me. I even tried letting Eddie go on the run but he wouldn't let me. I went to the West household and called Kara. I told her to meet me at Star Labs as soon as she could. I then opened the door to see Eddie! How did he get out? I turned my back for one second and then I was out like a light.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to being slapped across the face. I screamed but there was tape over my mouth so I couldn't get it through. I saw Kara with worried eyes looking at me. She ripped the piece of tape off.

"I didn't hurt you. Did I?", Kara asked.

"No.", I said. "But you could of just dumped water on me."

"Can't. I need the Flash to turn in footage of Hannibal Bates at the police station."

"You caught him! How?"

"He was impersonating you. We caught him on security footage, shape shifting. That should be enough to get Eddie out of prison."

"That's great." I then looked at Kara. She looked relieved but also upset. "He didn't hurt you, right?"

"No. He just...was a little inappropriate. I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say he has a broken nose."

"Oh. Will you come with me?"

"Of course."

We took the footage to the CCPD. Eddie was released and Iris was so happy. Kara held my hand the whole time. God I hope he didn't do anything bad to her. Caitlin was being distant too. What the hell did he do? Hannibal Bates is now in a meta human containment cell. We then went up to my lab. We saw Caitlin, Cisco, and Joe all standing around a corpse. The DNA sample said it was Doctor Harrison Wells. Which means the man we have been working with is not Harrison Wells. We were all so confused. Us four then went to Star Labs. Cisco was looking at a 3D picture of Star Labs. We saw a room that wasn't supposed to be there. Kara used her x-ray vision to find the room. We walked into it and the wall closed behind us. We saw the Reverse Flash suit and a table. I touched it and a newspaper appeared.

"What the hell is that?", Kara asked.

"A newspaper headline.", Cisco said. "From the year 2024!"

"The headline says 'Flash Missing. Vanishes in Crisis.'", I read.

"Barry.", Caitlin said. "Look at the byline."

"By Iris West-Olsen?"

"Iris marries James in the future?", Kara asked confused. "But she is dating Eddie right now."

"That's is true.", a voice said.

"Oh hell no!", Cisco yelled. "What was that?"

A virtual woman appeared.

"Hello Barry Allen.", the voice said. "I am Gideon. An artificial intelligence system."

"Hi.", I said awkwardly. "How do you know me?"

"I know you. The Flash. Or as the people know him, the director of Central city police in the CSI division."

"Looks like you get a promotion.", Cisco said.

"Do you know Doctor Wells?", I asked.

"Yes.", Gideon answered.

"Why did he come here?", Kara asked.

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