Chapter 142

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One Month Later
Kara's Point of View

I am so tired. I'm seven months pregnant and I have two five year old's. How do parents do this? Barry came super speeding into the bedroom.

"Breakfast is served.", Barry said smiling.

"Thank you Barry.", I said. "You really don't have to do all of this though."

"Yes I do. I love you and I know how stressed you have been lately."

We kissed as Nora and Alura ran in.

"Daddy!", Alura yelled. "Nora took my dolly!"

"Did not!", Nora yelled.

"Did too!"

"Girls.", I said calmly. Nora and Alura looked up at me. I kneeled down to their level. "Nora, did you take Alura's doll?"

"No.", Nora said after a couple seconds.

"Nora.", Barry added. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Maybe." After a couple seconds, Nora got teary. "Am I in trouble?"

"No.", I replied stroking her hair. "You just have to understand that it's not nice to take someone's stuff. Would you like it if someone took your dolly?"

"No." Nora turned towards Alura. "I'm sorry sissy."

"It's ok.", Alura replied giving her sister a hug. "We can share the doll."


Nora and Alura ran off into the living room acting like nothing happened.

"I hope they always get along.", I said leaning on Barry's head.

"I'm sure they will.", Barry replied giving me a kiss on my forehead. "And I'm sure they will get along with John too. There so young right now so every problem is an easy fix."

"I wish all problems were an easy fix. Like this Cicada problem."

"Well Caitlin and Cisco are pretty sure they can synthesis a serum to make a cure for both meta humans and aliens. But we only use it if the person wants to be cured."

"Yeah. That's good. I know that not everyone wants powers, so it's good they get a choice." I got an idea. "When Caitlin and Cisco finish it, I could promote it on tv at CatCo."

"That would be amazing." Barry's phone then went off. Barry frowned. "Crime Scene. A man was killed in an alley way last night."

My phone then went off. I saw something that was shocking.

"Two woman were killed in their apartment last night.", I said. "One of them was a reporter at CatCo. I got to go."

"I can take the girls."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll drop them off at headquarters."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too."

I took the car to CatCo. When I got there, reporters started asking me tons of questions. I didn't say anything and walked inside. When I was walking to my elevator, Nia and Winn came up to me.

"Did you hear the news?", Winn asked.

"Yeah. Do we know who the victim was?", I asked sadly.

"The woman who worked here was one of the reporters for the sports section.", Nia added. "But the most interesting part about this was that she was an alien. Her roommate was too."

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