Chapter 129

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One Year Later
Kara's Point of View

My alarm blared in my ears. I woke up as Barry did.

"Morning Kara.", Barry said getting up.

"Morning Barry.", I replied. "You ready for another day?"

"You bet."

Barry super speeded around the house. He took a shower, cleaned up the house, and made breakfast. I took a shower, got dressed, and then went into our kids' room.

"Mommy!", Nora and Alura yelled in joy.

The girls are three years old now. Toddlers are hard to handle, especially when they have super powers. Nora got up and super speeded around the room. I finally got her to hold still and changed her diaper, then got her dressed. I then did the same thing with Alura. We then went to the kitchen and sat the girls down. We all started eating.

"How are the girls doing on potty training?", I asked.

"They are doing good.", Barry said. "They are almost done."

"That's great."

Barry's phone went off and so did mine.

"There's a meta human attack.", Barry said.

We both nodded. We grabbed Nora and Alura and put them in the cortex at Star Labs. We got our suits on and got to the location. The rest of Team Flash and Supergirl came in from a breach. For the last year, we have been handling villains in not just Central or National. We have gone to Metropolis, Gotham, Key Stone, Star City, and many other cities. Team Arrow has helped on occasions as well. We stopped the meta, and then all went back to Star Labs. We turned on the news.

"You have to admit George.", one of the news ladies said. "Earth has been safer since superhero's and vigilantes came onto the scene."

"True.", another news man said. "Villains like Prometheus, Reign, Zoom, would not of been defeated without aliens and meta humans."

"But they are more dangerous than ever.", Lena Luther said. "They kill people."

"Oh please.", said Cat Grant walking up to the trio. "You're only saying that because Team Supergirl and Superman and Team Flash stopped your brother, which he died during that time."

"I am not stressing this point because of Lex. He has killed millions."

"Well that's what happens when a Luther hates aliens."

"Why you litt-,".

Julian turned off the news.

"Don't want children to hear cussing.", Julian said motioning towards Nora and Alura.

"I don't understand what happened to Lena.", I said. "She used to support Supergirl and Superman and everyone."

"It's like after Lex died, she changed.", Barry said. "She became cold and calculating."

"That's a Luther for you.", Clark said.

I looked at the clock.

"We should probably be heading into work.", I said.

"Yeah. Who's day is it?", Barry asked.


I grabbed the girls and took them to CatCo. Barry and I alternate who takes the girls to work. Once the girls got into their touching phase, it wasn't necessarily safe for them to be around the DEO or Star Labs. I walked into my office and sat down. It was still weird being in Ms. Grant's office. After James and Iris moved, I got promoted to the head of CatCo. I saw sitting down, doing some paper work, when Nia walked in.

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