Chapter 101

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Kara's Point of View
The Next Day

I woke up to see Barry in his Flash suit. He was knocked out.

"Barry!", I yelled. I remembered what I did when Barry was knocked out the last time. I slapped with. He yelled. "You ok? What happened?"

"Savitar.", Barry said getting up.

"Savitar? What happened with Savitar?"

"I know who he is."

"Who?" I felt my palms getting sweaty. I touched my baby bump that has been getting bigger. Barry had just stared at me. "Barry? Who is he?"

"Me. From the future."

"What?" That's when everything went into place. "That's what he meant by the future Flash."

I was so shocked. Barry seemed shocked too. He picked me up and we super speeded to the DEO and then Star Labs. We told everyone that, and they were all shocked too.
After me and Barry talked for a while, Cisco came in and said he had an idea.
We walked into the side of the cortex to see a machine.

"Am I getting a perm?", Barry asked with a goofy grin.

I snorted. Even in the face of danger, he can be the cutest.

"No.", Cisco said annoyed. "Your hair can be fixed later." Barry glared at Cisco. "This is for your brain. I want to stop you from making new memories."

"What do you mean?", I asked slightly worried.

"I want to block a part of his brain, so he can't receive new information."

"That way we will be two steps ahead of Savitar.", Julian said.

"Barry?", I asked.

"Let's do it.", Barry said.

Barry sat down in the chair. The Disrupter was attached and Cisco hit the button.

"All done.", Cisco said.

"How do you feel?", Julian asked.

"I feel fine.", Barry said looking around.

I sighed in relief. But he still seemed freaked out.

"Barry?", Julian asked.

"Who's Barry?", Barry asked. My face paled. "And who are all of you?"

"Cisco.", I hissed.

"Slight miscalculation.", Cisco said.

"Slight. He doesn't remember who he is!"

"Seriously.", Barry said standing up. "Who are you? Where am I?

"Star Labs.", Joe said who had walked in right before with Iris and Wally.

"Lab? Are you experimenting on me?"

"Sorta.", Julian said.

"Why can't I remember anything?"

"Your name is Barry Allen.", I said stepping closer.

"Let's just get you back in the chair.", Cisco said.

"No.", Barry said. "What if you guys kidnapped me? Or even tried to steal one of my vital organs."

"Barry!", I yelled. I stepped closer to him. I took out my phone of picture of us. I showed them to him. "We are your friends and family."

"Nice ring.", Barry said, motioning to the ring on my finger. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Barry." I sighed. "You are."

"Cisco.", Joe said. "A word."

We all went out, while Barry stayed with Wally.
Joe got a call.

"So he doesn't know he's the Flash.", I said. "He's doesn't know about me or the fact that he's going to be a father in two months."

"Barry is needed at the CCPD.", Joe said.

"Me and Joe will take Barry, while you all fix what's going on with him."

We took him to CCPD, where he apparently had to testify. I watched him, but he didn't do that good since he didn't remember anything.
I showed him tons of photos, and he was so funny. How can Barry Allen get any cuter?
We were at home.

"So this is our home?", Barry asked.

"Yes.", I said. He looked at a picture of us at Reptile Camp. "That's where we met." He then looked at a picture of his parents. "Those are your parents." I sighed. "When I first met you, you brightened my entire world."

"I bet you did the same for me." He kissed me for a quick second. "Was that ok?"

"It's ok Barry." I kissed him real quick too. "However you kiss me, it'll still be perfect. Since it's you."

He smiled but then noticed his hand was vibrating. He super speeded around, but I used my super strength to catch him.

"What the hell was that?", Barry asked. "And why are you so strong?"

"Let's get you back to Star Labs.", I said. I told him about his powers. I then super speeded him there. "Guys. Barry knows about his powers. We need to fix this."

"I agree.", Killer Frost said walking in.

"Barry." I didn't know what Caitlin would do. Barry doesn't know any better. "Hey Barry. Can you give us a minute?"

"Ok.", Barry said, walking away, oblivious of the danger.

We talked with Killer Frost and we worked together to try and find a solution. It finally came down to me reminding Barry about his parents death. That was a major memory starter.
Me and Barry were in our bed room.

"I'm glad you still have your memories.", I said. "I don't know what I would do, if I lost you."

"You'll never lose me.", Barry said.

"And you'll never lose me."

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