Chapter 19

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Kara's Point of View.
A Couple Days Later.

I woke up to a peaceful city. There was nothing wrong and nothing could go wrong. I guess I'm really happy because I think I am officially over Barry. That dirty cheater couldn't mess with my life anymore. I think I like Monel. I hope he likes me back. I changed into my Supergirl outfit and flew to the DEO. When I got there, Monel was testing his super strength.

"Hey Monel.", I said with a smile.

"Hey Kara.", Monel replied with a smile.

"So what are you up to?"

"Just testing my strength. I bet I am stronger than you."

"Please. I'm called the girl of steel. What are you called? The Daxamite who thinks he is stronger than Supergirl."

I walked closer to Monel and he stepped a little closer.

"Maybe I am."

"In your dreams little boy."

We got closer, but we sadly got interrupted by Alex.

"You have a visitor Kara.", Alex said.

"Who?", I asked a little annoyed.

"Felicity." I gave her an upset look and she obviously understood. "She seems pretty upset. She won't say why. She just says she needs to talk to you."


I walked out of the training area and saw Felicity walking back in forth in the center of the DEO. Hank, Winn, and Alex were trying to calm her down. The moment she saw me, her eyes seemed to burn with anger.

"Kara Zorel!", Felicity yelled.

"What do you want Felicity Smoak?", I yelled back.

"I want to know why you haven't even visited Barry yet!"

"Why would I?"

"Because he needed your help! But since you were to busy ignoring him for no good reason, he almost died! He has been knocked out cold for the past couple of days! Don't you care a little about him?"

"I did! But he cheated on me with you!"

Felicity looked shocked and she then looked even more annoyed.

"Is that why you broke up with Barry?", Felicity asked.

"Yeah. Why?", I asked.

"Because me and Barry never dated." I was shocked and I could feel my heart speeding up. "We were keeping a secret, but that was that we both new the Arrow."

"I...I broke Barry's heart for nothing." Before Felicity could respond, she got a phone call. After a second, she looked even more stressed before she talked to me. "What's going on?"

"Even though Barry has just woken up, he found himself a fight with a new meta human. He got hurt. I got to go check on him."

"I'll go with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I can super speed us there."

I grabbed Felicity up and we ran to Central city. We got to Star Labs, where Barry was lying on a bed getting examined by Caitlin and Cisco. When they all saw me, everyone smiled. Barry did to but it was cut short because Caitlin got his attention.

"This is gonna hurt Barry.", Caitlin said.

"I know. Just get it over with.", Barry said. Felicity walked up to Barry and hit him gently on the arm. "Ow!"

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