Chapter 20

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Barry's Point of View.
Two Weeks Later.

Today seemed like a pretty normal day. I would get dressed, eat, and arrive at a crime scene. When I had arrived, Joe and Eddie were already examining the body. The looked like they were going to throw up. I saw the body and it looked like it was a fried alive. I took some evidence and some pictures of the victim. I then raced to Star Labs to ID the victim.

"Hey Barry.", Caitlin said.

"Hey guys.", I said handing Cisco the picture.

"What's this?", Cisco asked.

"A victim of someone who was electrocuted alive. I was wondering if you guys could ID him for me."

"Sure thing Barry." Cisco typed for a second before getting a match. "Ok. His name is Derek, and he used to work at a power plant."

Caitlin then started typing as well.

"That's weird.", Caitlin said. "Someone just used his ID to get into the power plant." Caitlin then looked at her computer again and gasped. "The power plant is losing a lot of energy."

"Be careful Mr.Allen.", Doctor Harrison Wells said rolling in.

"I will.", I said taking my Flash suit and racing off to the power plant. When I got there, there was a man sucking all the energy out of the power plant with his hands. I remembered when me and Kara took down Livewire. Well, Kara did. Hopefully I do better this time. "Yo sparky! This is a restricted zone!"

He turned around and starred at me.

"I need to feed.", he whispered. He blasted electricity at me and I super speeded out of the way. "I need to feed!"

I ran at him and he blasted me with electricity. I screamed as I could feel a burning sensation inside me. He then released as I went behind a barrel. I was out of breath.

"Barry! Are you ok?", Cisco asked worriedly.

"Get out of there Barry!", Harrison Wells said.

I was about to run, when I bolt of electricity hit me again. I screamed and this time he was the one to stop.

"Too much.", the man said. "Too much."

He walked away as I tried to run. I couldn't run at my top speed. In fact, I didn't have my speed at all.

"Barry! Run!", Harrison Wells screamed.

"I can't!", I said. "My speed. It's gone."

I turned off my coms and walked to a cab. She took me back to Star Labs and I walked into Star Labs. Caitlin immediately examined me.

"You can't just lose your powers.", Caitlin said.

"Oh yeah.", I responded. "Tell that to the cab driver, who I had to pay sixty-five bucks to get here. I had to tell her I was coming from a comic party."

"We need to test you.", Harrison Wells said.

I walked into the training area and hit into the treadmill. Cisco sighed in disbelief.

"You run slow even for a normal person.", Cisco said.

I got off the treadmill and sat down on the floor.

"Is this permanent?", I asked worriedly.

"I would hope not.", Harrison Wells said.

"I better go worn Joe."

"Barry." I stopped getting up as Harrison spoke. "We will get your speed back. I promise."

I just nodded as I walked out of Star Labs. I took a bus to the CCPD, and met Joe and Iris in my lab. I sat down in my chair as they exchanged worried glances at me.

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