Chapter 91

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Kara's Point of View
Two Days Later

I woke up in my and Barry's bed. Some times when I wake up, I'd like to listen to Barry's heart beat. I listened to his heart, but it was beating surprisingly fast. Just then, Barry jumped up.

"Hey.", I said comforting. "You ok?"

"Yeah.", Barry said. I knew that Barry has been dealing with a nightmare problem for two nights now. "Just a nightmare."

"Like the last two ones?" Barry sighed. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not really." Barry snuggled up next to me. "But I would like to sleep with you a little bit longer."

"Do not change the subject Bartholomew."

"Bartholomew?" Barry smirked. "Am I in trouble?"

"Not at the moment." Just then my phone went off. "Fire at Richmond Heights." Barry just stayed in bed. "Barry. You need to go."


Barry super speeded away. I got up and decided to visit Alex. I went to the DEO and saw Alex and Sara making out.

"Now I know what it feels like when you walk in on me and Barry.", I said.

"Kara!", Alex said happily. "Nice to see you again."

"Hey Kara.", Sara said.

"Hey.", I said. "I need some advice."

"What's up?", Alex asked.

"Barry has been having nightmares. But, I don't know why, but I feel like it's something more."

"Kara. Communicate with him. It's Barry. He'll tell you when he's ready."

"Trust us.", Sara said.

"Thanks guys.", I said. "I got to go."

I came back home. Barry then super speeded in.

"Hey Kara.", Barry said. "You ok?"

"Yeah.", I said. "Jut wish you would tell me about these nightmares."

"I've seen a lot of bad things."

"And I have been with you through it all." I stepped closer to Barry. "I can tell that this is different."

Barry's phone went off.

"Robbery in progress Kara."

"We will finish this conversation Barry."

Barry super speeded away. I super speeded to Star Labs. Barry and Wally both walked into Star Labs. Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Cisco, James, and I were all in the cortex.

"Good job Wally.", Iris said.

"Kid Flash.", James said.

"Wally.", Barry said angry. "I thought you were shadowing me. I said to not engage."

"Barry.", I said.

"No. If you can't listen to me Wally, then the deal is over."

HR walked in.

"Let's see the museum.", HR said. "BA. Wallis. You two need to get dressed. Let's go."

After a tense second, we all got dressed. Me and Barry walked down. No one, besides the Star Labs people, were there. Julian walked in.
We all gathered in the cortex, while Wally watched Julian.

"Did you ask Julian to join Team SuperFlash?", Barry asked.

"Please guys.", Caitlin said.

Me and Barry exchanged a glance. I knew what Barry was thinking.

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