Chapter 112

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Kara's Point of View
Three Weeks Later

I woke up super excited. Today is Oliver and Felicity's wedding! Too bad Clark couldn't make it. Barry was still asleep. I smiled. He is the cutest. I went to get the girls up. Nora and Alura were both sleeping soundly and I got out their clothes for today. I heard some noise in the bedroom and I walked back in to see Barry putting on a shirt.

"Morning babe.", I said.

"Good morning honey.", Barry said. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me into a kiss. "You ready to see Oliver and Felicity?"

"You bet. But first, Cisco wants us to meet him at Star Labs."


We got dressed and I flew to Star Labs while Barry took the girls on a super speed run. We arrived at Star Labs. Cisco, Harry, Joe, Cecilia, Iris, and Wally were all there.

"Hey guys.", I said. Barry hugged Iris and Wally. "How was your brother-sister trip?"

"Great.", Iris said.

"A lot of drinking.", Wally added.

Joe fake coughed and Cecilia laughed. Cisco then clapped his hands, silencing everyone in the room.

"Ok.", Cisco said. "I wanted you all here, because I have great news. She's super sweet, but can be as cold as ice. Best scientist I know. Been gone for two years, but now is back!"

Caitlin walked in. Everyone immediately swarmed her with hugs. Caitlin laughed. I then realized that this would be the first time she's meeting the twins.

"Caitlin.", I said. I brought Nora and Alura closer to Caitlin. Caitlin smiled. "Meet Nora and Alura."

"They are adorable Kara.", Caitlin said. "I wish I could have been there."

"You are here now.", Barry said. "And we could not be any happier." Barry kissed my cheek. "Felicity is going to be so happy that you are here."

We all started to get ready for the wedding. Caitlin and the rest of the gang had a wonderful meeting. It was time for the wedding. Oliver's side sat on the right, while Felicity's side sat on the left. Barry was Oliver's best man and Caitlin was Felicity's maid of honor. Felicity walked down the isle and reached the alter.

"We are all gathered here today.", said the minister. "To join Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak in marriage. If any has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Before the minister could continue, heat vision was blasted through him and he died. Just then, Nazi's decided to show up.

"You have got to be kidding me.", I said standing up.

"Nazi?", Oliver asked.

"I hate Nazi.", Barry said.

"Peace.", said a lady. She had a voice modifier and was wearing a mask. She laughed. "Peace is overrated. It is for the weak, just like hope."

Tons of soldiers started shooting at us.

"I will get everyone to safety!", Wally yelled.

Wally started super speeding, along with Barry's help, to get people out of there. I blocked some blasts but then faced the mysterious lady.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"Why don't you face me and find out.", said the lady.

I blasted her through the ceiling. We did multiple punches at one another, but not one was better then the other. She matched me in my powers. She is a Kryptonian. We continued to go back and forth, until she caught me off guard and pushed me back into the church. I landed hard on the ground.

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