Chapter 158

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Three Weeks Later
Barry's Point of View

Three weeks have gone by since we stopped Time Master. Three weeks of spending as much time with Kara, Nora, Alura, and John as possible. I didn't like what my future held. But I knew I was going to change it. Kara decided to pick up the kids today, so I was home alone waiting for them to arrive. I saw a flash of light and I was then in a dark room. The Monitor walked towards me.

"What's going on Monitor?", I asked. "We haven't seen or heard from you since Time Master."

"I'm here to give you a countdown of your fate Mr. Allen.", the Monitor said. I glared at him. Why would he need to tell me? I have been counting the days since he told me. "You have one week till the Flash must die."

"Believe what you may, but I am not dying." I sighed. "And even if I do, I don't need a reminder of how much time I have left. So if that's all you came to tell me, please bring me back home."

"I'm not finished Mr. Allen." I sighed. "The Time Master May be gone, but two new threats have emerged. Two foes that Time Master had encountered in the future."


"You shall see Mr. Allen. You shall see."

I then saw a flash of light and I was back in the house.

"He needs to stop doing that!", I yelled.

"Who babe?", Kara asked peeking her head around the corner.


"What does he want?"

"Just a friendly reminder of my time limit." I sighed. "And he says that two new foes are coming. He wouldn't tell me who though."

"Of course he wouldn't. It's the Monitor. When does he never not speak in riddles?"

John then super speeded into the room, crashing into my legs.

"Daddy!", John yelled. "Mommy promised ice cream!"

"Did she?", I asked looking from John to Kara.

"They broke me.", Kara said playfully.

Nora and Alura ran in.

"Ice cream time!", Alura yelled.

"I'm going to eat out the entire store!", Nora added giggling.

Kara and I just laughed. We super speed the kids to an ice cream place in Keystone. We got our ice cream and then decided to eat it in the park. After eating the ice cream, the kids started running around the park. They were playing superheroes vs villain's. It was so cute. Kara looked at her watch and noticed it was getting late.

"Ok. Come on kids.", Kara said. "It's time to go home."

The kids sighed but came up to us. All of a sudden, an explosion was heard in a building. Nora gasped holding her ears while Alura held onto John.

"Shoot.", I said not wanting to cuss in front of the kids. Kara and I nodded and changed into our super hero outfits. I hit the coms button. "Guys. We have an explosion in a office building in Keystone."

"Got it.", Winn said through the coms.

"And Cisco.", Kara said looking at our kids. "Can you open a breach and take our kids somewhere safe?"

"Sure can.", Cisco responded through the coms.

Our kids looked nervous.

"We are just going to go check it out.", Kara said sweetly.

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