Chapter 148

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Two Weeks Later
Barry's Point of View

So a lot has happened after the new Cicada attacked Star Labs. We were able to figure out that the new Cicada is from the future, since Cicada 2.0 took Thawne's time sphere to get here. Also, by vibe a crime scene, we figured out the new Cicada is not only from the future, but is also Grace Gibbons. We even tried to confront Grace, but she ended up killing Dwyer in the process. And while we were trying to save Dwyer, Grace took her younger comatose self out of the hospital and disappeared. She even stole some reject cures from Cisco's lab. So Cicada 2.0 is causing many problems for the Justice League at the moment. The entire Justice League was in Justice League headquarters discussing how we should proceed. Well, besides Caitlin and Julian. Julian was holding back Caitlin's hair as she threw up. She has been off for the past couple of days now. HR and Tracey were in the kids room downstairs. It was a safe place for all the children in case of emergencies and it's also a room for kids to have fun for all ages. William, Mia, JJ, Conner, Zoey, Nora, Alura, and John were down there.

"That's insane.", I said to Zari.

"Why do you say that?", Zari asked. "Future Grace used Thawne's time sphere to travel back to this time. How do we know for sure she isn't working with Thawne."

"Zari's got a point Barry.", Nathan added.

I didn't want to believe that Thawne could corrupt a girl to become an eviler version of her uncle, but then again, it is Thawne.

"Ok.", I said. "Then there is only one way to find out."

"By going to the future.", Sara said.

"2049 to be exact. That would be twenty seven years from now.", Winn said.

"I was able to figure out the time future Grace came from.", Cisco said.

"Now the question is, who should go?", Bruce asked.

"The four speedsters should.", Kara said looking at Bart, Wally, Jessie, and me. "Speedsters can time travel the easiest and Thawne would respond better to other speedsters like himself."

"Ok.", Bart said. "Just one question. Is this Thawne guy scary?" We all nodded. "Great."

Before we left, I gave my kids kisses on the forehead. Kara and I kissed before us four speeded off down to the new and improved speed lab. Us four started running and we all went through a blue portal. Images flashed by before we all appeared in a street.

"That was awesome.", Jessie said. "Time traveling is fun."

"We have to be smart about this though.", I said. "We don't want to mess with anything."

"How do we even know we are in the right year?", Bart asked.

We looked around and saw people reading holographic newspapers on there wrists. The date said 2049.

"That's how.", Wally replied.

"Ok.", I said. "We need to find Thawne and see if he really is working with Cicada 2.0."

"How are we supposed to find him in a time known of us are from?", Jessie asked.

A little girl then ran into us. She dropped a Flash toy. I picked it up for her.

"Hey. Cool toy.", I said.

"Thanks.", the girl said. "It's the Flash!" I smiled at the kids enthusiasm as I handed it back to her. "My mommy and daddy bought it for me from the Justice League Museum!"

"Dawn!", a woman yelled.

"Bye!", the little girl yelled before running away.

We followed the girl around a corner to see her parents talking to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. We recognized both people immediately.

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