Chapter 143

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Two Weeks Later
Barry's Point of View

Kara and I were at headquarters with some of the team. The Legends are currently visiting at the DEO to maybe consider joining the DEO. Caitlin and Cisco were mumbling about the cure. Nora and Alura were playing on the floor.

"Yes!", Caitlin and Cisco yelled.

We all looked at Caitlin and Cisco.

"We think we are close to finalize the cure.", Cisco said. "So we can give it to Cicada."

"So how long do you think it will take for the cure to take affect?", Lois asked.

"About a minute."

"How are we supposed to keep Cicada still enough for a minute?", Ralph asked. "We can barley keep him still for a second, let alone sixty."

"Well, I was looking into that.", Caitlin said. "Ivan Tech created a Neuron Status Field Generator. It's a Bio EMP that can demobilize any living organism for some time. We could of used that, except the tech was stolen a couple weeks ago."

"So we have no idea where this tech could be?", Kara asked.

I thought for a moment. It's a long shot but it might work.

"Well I know someone that might be able to help.", I said.

"Who?", Clark asked.

"Well he's extremely wealthy, used to be bad so he might know where things are, and he did recently say he wanted a second chance."

"No.", Cisco said realizing who I was talking about. "Anybody but him."

"But Cisco-".

"No. Just being in the same room as Hartley Rathaway makes me want to vibe to another dimension."

"You really think Hartley might know something?", Nia asked ignoring Cisco.

"There's only one way to find out.", I said pulling out my phone. "Ralph and I will go talk to him."

"Hold on!", Cisco yelled. "Are we seriously considering this?" We all nodded. "Fine. But I am not letting Barry and Ralph go alone. I'll go, but only to keep Hartley in line."

"And I'll go to keep Cisco in line.", Caitlin added.

I walked up to Kara.

"I'll be back before you know it.", I said.

"Ok.", Kara replied. "Love you."

"Love you too."

Cisco then vibe where Hartley was and vibe us four to the location. We were in front of a really nice mansion. We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. After a couple seconds, Hartley opened the door.

"Barry!", Hartley said surprised. Hartley then smirked. "And Caitlin, some guy, and Cisco."

"The names Ralph.", Ralph said.

"Well what are you guys doing here?"

"Making a stupid decision.", Cisco mumbled.

Caitlin punched Cisco in the arm and whispered, "Be nice."

"Well come on in.", Hartley said awkwardly. We walked into the home. It seemed Hartley was the only one home. "So, what's up guys?"

"Well, we were wondering if you could help us.", I said. "Have you ever heard of a Neuron Status Field Generator?"

"Yeah. Wasn't it stolen a couple weeks ago?"

"Exactly, but we need it. We were wondering if you might know where it was."

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