Chapter 10

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Barry's Point of View.
Thirty Minutes Later.

I woke up with a throbbing pain in the back of my neck. I looked around to see a suit holder, tons of arrows, and a bow. I realized that I was in the Arrow cave. I then saw something even more shocking. Oliver Queen laying on a table and dressed up as the Arrow. I then saw a man standing beside Oliver and Felicity. She looked worried and nervous at the same time.

"Please save my friend.", Felicity pleaded.

"What? Oliver is the Arrow! You're working with him! Felicity! What is going on?", I yelled.

"Barry! Please just calm down!"

"But...but you' have been lying to us, all of us, this whole time! That is why you wanted us to make up with Kara. Because you have a secret of your own."

Before Felicity could respond, Oliver started seizing. We all came to his side.

"Barry! We can finish this later! Right now I need you to save my friend!", Felicity yelled.

"I don't know if I can save him! I usually work on dead people.", I replied.


"Sorry! Sorry! Ok, um, I have four ways he could be like this." I looked into his eyes. "Three ways." I then checked his pulse. "Two ways." I then drew blood from him. "Ok. Here's the problem. His blood is like maple syrup."

"Well, can you save him?", Felicity asked.

I looked around and saw a box of rat poison. I then started putting it in a syringe.

"We can't give him that?", the other man asked. "Felicity?"

"Do it.", Felicity said.

I injected it into Oliver. After he relaxed, I took a fingerprint from his neck. Then Oliver grabbed my neck and I motioned for Felicity and Diggle to help me.

"Oliver, release him.", Diggle said.

"What is going on?", Oliver asked.

"Barry just saved your life.", Felicity said. "And usually when someone saves your life you say thank you."

"You told him my secret. How do you know that Barry won't just leave this place and go straight to the authorities."

"He's not like that. I trust him. How is this any different than when you got shot by your mother and needed my help?"

"Wait. Your mother shot you?", I asked.

"You can not just go around telling everyone who you trust my secret.", Oliver said.

"Hey, I know your angry, but you should not talk to her like that." Oliver stepped closer to me and I gulped. "Mr.Queen."

For the next two hours we worked on stopping some super strong guy. I then got another call from Singh and sighed. I ignored it but I knew I had to get going. I put a mask that I made for Oliver in a box and left it on his desk. I then went to tell Felicity bye.

"Nice seeing you again Felicity.", I said.

"You too Barry.", Felicity said.

"Now, if I leave will you shot me with a knock out dart again?"

We laughed and Felicity shook her head.

"No. Have fun in Central city."

"Thanks. Have fun with the Arrow. Oh, by the way, you need to tell everyone your secret. Secrets broke up our friendship, and I don't want it to brake more."

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