Chapter 16

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Kara's Point of View.
A Week Later.

Things have been going great. Clark and me have been saving and stopping many people. It was so much fun. It was about the middle of the day, when Clark came to my apartment.

"Hey Clark!", I said happily.

"Hey Kara.", Clark replied.

"What's up? Is there a robbery in progress?"

"No. I was just wondering something. And before I start, I want you to know I hate talking to you about this."

"Wait! Are you going back to Metropolis city already?"

"Yes. Soon. But that's not it."

"Ok? Then what is it?"

"It's been a while since you and Barry started dating. But, you guys haven't really been on a date. I mean, you haven't even talked to him in a week."

"So. We have both been busy."

"What's Barry doing today?" I gave Clark a confused look and he sighed. "If you want to be in a relationship, you have to know each other's schedule."

"He's saving people in Central city as the Flash."

"Nope." Clark showed me a picture of Barry and Felicity at CC Jitters. They were in some kind of contest. They called themselves E=MCHammer. "Not even close."

"What should I do?"

"Well, after I leave, you and Barry need to go on an actual date."

"I will definitely do that."

Clark then left as I called Barry. He didn't answer. I decided I would go visit him. I flew to Central city. I then got to CC Jitters, changed into my normal clothes, and walked in. Apparently the competition was still going on. I didn't see Barry or Felicity, but I did see Eddie and Iris. I waved to them and they waved back.

"Hey Iris! Hey Eddie!", I said.

"Hey Kara.", Eddie said. "What's new?"

"Nothing much. I, um, saw this contest on Facebook, and I just thought I would check it out."

"Oh. Ok.", Iris said. "Barry should be around here somewhere. They walked off into the back. We're having a break right now."


I walked to the back of CC Jitters, where I saw Barry and Felicity whispering. I decided I would use my super hearing.

"Fine.", Barry said. "When should we tell them?"

"I'm not sure.", Felicity said. "How do you think everyone will take it?"

"I don't know, but I do know that Kara might be a little mad."

"A little. She'll be furious. Just promise me that well tell them together."

"I promise."

Felicity then took Barry's hand and hugged him. I stopped listening at that point. Barry was cheating on me! I just know it. I ran out of CC Jitters and went back to National city. I got out some food and cried in my bed for a couple hours. I then turned on the news. There was a man about to jump off a bridge. I changed into my Supergirl suit and met Clark at the bridge. When the man turned around, I realized it was the assassin that tried to kill Lena. He had kryptonite in his stomach. He blasted Clark with it and then hit me with it. I got really dizzy as Clark took me back to the DEO, while avoiding kryptonite blasts. When we reached the DEO, Alex and Hank came to my side.

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