Chapter 132

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One Week Later
Barry's Point of View

The alarms blared as both Kara and I woke up.

"Morning.", Kara mumbled.

"Morning.", I said. "What's on your agenda today?"

"Nothing much. Just CatCo stuff. You?"

"Cisco and I are going to try and find Ronnie."

"Have you told Caitlin yet?"

"No. We want to make sure we are right before telling Caitlin. Why tell her that her dead husband may be alive, if it's not really him."

"I guess so. But whatever you guys find out there, you tell Caitlin first. She deserves to know."

"I will." I sighed and kissed Kara on the forehead. "You sure you are ok with handling the girls while I'm gone?"

"Definitely." Kara kissed me on the lips. "Just be safe."

"You stay safe too. We still don't know why that guy wants Superman and Supergirl dead."

"I will."

Kara and I kissed one more time before getting out of bed. We had breakfast and got the girls dressed. Kara then flew to CatCo, as I super speeded to Cisco's house. I rang the doorbell. Cisco answered the door.

"You ready?", I asked.

"Yeah.", Cisco said. "Let's do this."

I walked into Cisco's apartment. Cisco put on his glasses and vibe a photo of Ronnie before the particle accelerator explosion. I waited until Cisco was done. Cisco then took off his glasses.

"Did you find him?"

"Definitely. He's in Star Labs."

I went wide eyed and super speeded to Star Labs. I went into the cortex. Cisco vibe into the cortex as well. Caitlin was the only one in the cortex.

"What are you guys doing here?", Caitlin asked. "I thought you both were taking a day off."

"We were.", I said. "But-".

I then saw a person in the shadows behind Caitlin. Caitlin turned around, screamed, and ice blasted the man back. The man was knocked out. We all ran to the man, and Caitlin took in a deep breath.

"Ronnie?", Caitlin asked. The man was Ronnie. Caitlin then looked at Cisco and I. "What the hell is going on?"

"Surprise.", Cisco said awkwardly. "Ronnie's alive."

"We probably should test his DNA.", I said. "To make sure it actually is him or isn't another Earth Ronnie Raymond."

Cisco and I took Ronnie to the med bay and Caitlin ran his DNA. After she was finished, she looked up at Cisco and I.

"It's him.", Caitlin said. "It isn't a fake or another Earth Ronnie. It's our Ronnie."

"Ok.", I said. "Now that we proved he is alive, how the hell is he alive?"

"Yeah. We watched him die.", Cisco said.

"And Stein couldn't feel his connection to Ronnie anymore.", Caitlin added.

"We will have to ask him when he wakes up.", I said.

After waiting an hour, Cisco got a text.

"I have to go.", Cisco said. "Kara needs me to vibe something."

"Ok. See you later.", I said.

After waiting another half an hour, Ronnie woke up. Caitlin and I watched as he walked over to us nervously.

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