Chapter 81

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Kara's Point of View.
Two Days Later.

Last night, Zoom offered Barry to race him. But we found out that Zoom is building a machine that could take out the whole universe. And he needs Barry's energy to do it.

"Well than I have to race him.", Barry said. I gave him a worried but also upset look. "And I have to win."

Barry went down to the pipe line and I followed.

"Barry.", I said. Barry turned towards me. "Don't race him."

"It's not that easy Kara.", Barry said.

"Yes it is. We will defeat him together."

"And just wait for Zoom to kill someone else! Iris, Joe, Caitlin, Cisco, you. I won't let him kill someone else when I can prevent it."

"Is there anything I can say to talk you out of this?"


"Than I'm really sorry babe."

Harry shot Barry will a knock out dart. We put him in the pipe line.
Me, Harry, Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Wally, and Cisco watched as Barry woke up.

"What are you doing?", Barry asked.

"Because you are too angry right now.", Joe said.

"If you race Zoom on his terms, you'll lose.", Harry added.

"This isn't your decision to make!", Barry yelled.

"We all made it together Barry.", I said. Barry looked at me upset. "It's for your own safety."

I closed the door. I watched as Barry slumped down angry.
We than got our plan ready. I didn't tell them that I was pregnant, not yet.
We executed the plan, but it went south. I had to hit Zoom to knock him into the portal, but I went along with him.
He grabbed me to his lair and put me in kryptonite chains.

"You won't get away with this.", I spat on the ground, weak.

"I will.", Zoom said. "I will race Barry. I will win. I will kill everyone he loves, and than, well, I'll kill him."

"Go to hell!"

"Oh. Don't worry. You all will be there soon enough."

I than saw a vibe appear. In it, I saw Barry.

"I'll do it.", Barry said. "I'll race you. But only in exchange for Kara's life."

"Deal.", Zoom said. "But I won't released her until we race."


Zoom super speeded me to a location and locked me up.
I saw Barry, Wally, Iris, Joe, Caitlin, Cisco, Harry, Jessie, and Alex.

"Kara.", Alex said.

"It's ok Alex.", I replied.

I watched as Barry and Zoom raced. Another Barry appeared.
False Barry ran around the machine.
Real Barry released me and told me to run. Zoom and Barry fought, and the speed force took him.
We also found out the man in the iron mask was Barry's dad doppelgänger.
We all went to the West household. Alex was giving me a hug.
Me and Barry than went outside.

"I'm so glad you are ok.", Barry said.

"Me too.", I replied. "What happened when I was gone?"

"Alex stopped by, got pissed, released me, we got a plan, and we told everyone you are pregnant."

"So a lot then."

"Yeah." Barry sighed. "Kara. There's something I have to do. To feel hole again. To be the best father for you and our child."

"What ever you have to do, do it. I'll be right here waiting for you."

"I love you Kara."

"I love you too Barry."

We kissed. I than watched Barry smile at me and start running.
He ran into a blue portal and disappeared.
I than saw a light.

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