Chapter 54

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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up not sure of what to do. But, I decided to go anyways. I saw the mayor talking.

"It is with great pleasure to hand the key to the city to the Flash.", the mayor said.

Everyone looked around, and than I saw Kara. I smiled at her and super speeded in. Everyone cheered and I smiled.

"Hey everyone.", I said vibrating my vocal cords.

I than heard a scream and saw a car coming towards us. I got the mayor out of the way. I saw a man with a mask taking off his cloak. I saw Kara about to take off her glasses, but I shook my head no.

"I got this!", I said to the cops, but was mainly towards Kara.

I went towards him, but he threw me into a car. I didn't see what happened next, but I saw him growing bigger. Kara was about to react, but I told Kara no. She looked like she was about to stop me, but I threw an explosive tank at him and they exploded. I saw his face and it was the guy that died yesterday night. But I did get a sharp pain in my leg.
The bad guy escaped as I went to the CCPD. I was looking at an article when Greg Turk came in. He gave me a flash drive to watch. I didn't know if I was going to watch it or not. I saw an alert at Star Labs, and super speeded there. When I arrived, I saw Joe, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Kara, and Stein all at the cortex.

"What are you guys doing here?", I asked irritated.

"Working.", Iris said.

"So I was right.", Caitlin said.

"Yes.", Kara added. "He uses energy and sucks it up."

"He's like a Atom Smasher.", Stein said.

"That is a great name.", Cisco added while hugging Stein.

"So all we need to do is find a place where radiation should be, but isn't.", Caitlin said. Caitlin started typing and found a location. "Got a location."

"Thank you.", I said. "All of you. But you can leave now."

"Barry.", Joe said. "You need their help."

"No I don't." I super speeded away and left my coms there. I saw Atom Smasher absorbing energy. "Hey smashey."

"Well this is a twist.", Smasher said. "I thought I was going to have to find you in order to kill you." I punched him but it didn't take. Before I could react, he grew bigger and grabbed me by the throat. He than stared banging my head against the wall. "He said you were some kind of hero! Some one to be afraid of. But you are no hero!"

Atom Smasher than screamed in pain as Kara came in and shot him with heat vision. Than an alarm went off and Atom Smasher disappeared. I laid down, starting to see spots in my vision.

"Barry!", Kara yelled. "Are you ok?"

I coughed and Kara picked me up and flew me to Star Labs. The last thing I saw was us entering into the cortex, before I blacked out.
~ Time Skip ~
I woke up with a jolt. I looked around to see me in the med bag with Kara sitting on a chair next to me.

"Hey.", Kara said. "It's ok. I'm here. You're ok."

"Where's everyone?", I asked confused where everyone else went.

"I knew you wouldn't want an audience when you came too."


"Barry." Kara sighed. "Alex and Joe are right. We can't keep doing this anymore."

"Doing what?"

"We stopping having partners for Team Flash, because we were trying to give you space. But it was obvious you would rather die than have our help."

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