Chapter 156

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One Month Later
Kara's Point of View

The entire Justice League along with future Nora and Alura were at Headquarters. Time Master has been keeping low for a while now. Cisco and Gypsy haven't been able to locate him because whatever tech he stole has the ability to block Cisco and Gypsy from being able to vibe his location. So we have been in the dark for a month now with nothing on where Time Master is. We were currently discussing the Time Master.

"He has to have some flaw.", Nate said. "No one is that good at covering there tracks."

"He doesn't seem to have any weaknesses.", Azari said. "It's not like we can just blast him with ice or kryptonite and call it a day."

"Exactly why we have had such a hard time beating him in the future.", Nora said. "He can slow time down before we can even reach him and can redo time if needed. Time is on his side. He's like a god."

"But just because they consider themselves gods, they still have a human side.", Caitlin said. "When I was working with Savitar, he may of been like a god but he was still human. He still had feelings."

"Did Time Master ever care about anyone?", Barry asked.

"Well, there was one person.", Alura said.

"No Alura.", Nora said.

"Why not? He was the one person Time Master cared about."

"We are not bringing an him into this. He'd be like eleven now."

"Who?", I asked.

"His names Jason Todd.", Alura said. Alura then looked at Bruce. "Your second adopted son."

"I adopt another kid?", Bruce asked. Alura and Nora nodded. "And he's the only person Time Master cared about?"

"Yeah.", Nora said. "But we shouldn't bring a kid into this fight."

"Maybe we don't have to.", Alex said. "If Bruce just adopts Jason, Time Master will sense it in the time line."

"And if he cared that much about Jason as you say, he'll want to see him again.", Curtis added.

"Ok.", Nora said unsure. "I think I have an idea."

After getting the plan ready, Bruce adopted Jason. The second Bruce met Jason, he was glad he was adopting the boy. He had a fire in him that he saw in himself. Bruce took Dick and Jason to Headquarters to stay safe. Meanwhile, we set up a hologram of Jason at Wayne Mansion. We waited a long time and Time Master never came.

"Well that was a bust.", Charlie said.

"Not necessarily", Diana said. "Bruce now has two children. Too be honest, he's a softy under that armor."

We then all went back to Headquarters. It was hours before an alert came.

"Brake in at Star Labs Archives.", Gideon informed.

"Time Master.", Nora and Alura both said.

"Let's suit up.", Barry said.

We all suited up and got to the location. Time Master was there. He glared at Nora and Alura.

"You really thought I would risk my plan to see Jason?", Time Master asked angry.

"Well you risked your sanity in the future so we figured we would try it.", Alura replied.

"Well you were wrong." We all were about to attack when everyone felt their bodies go stiff. He had stopped us in time. Even Barry couldn't even move. "You can't stop what's coming. I will destroy the Justice League, starting at the beginning!"

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