Chapter 31

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Kara's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up on the couch with my computer still on my lap. I got up and stretched. I turned off my computer as I changed into my Supergirl uniform. I looked at the clock to see it was already in the afternoon. I flew to the DEO, where I saw Alex and John holding back Barry and Monel. I ran up to them, and they immediately stared at me. I put my hands on my hips, and Barry and Monel looked down.

"What's going on here?", I ask.

"He started it!", Barry and Monel say at the same time.

"Alex. What happened?"

"Barry and Monel started fighting for you.", Alex said. "At first it was verbal, but it soon became physical."

"Monel. I told you that I am not interested."

"But you should be with me.", Monel said.

"I'm sorry.", Barry said. "I'm sorry that Kara has to work every day with an it-it like you!"

"Really? Cause I'm sorry she has to date such an it-it."

"Really? I went to the best college in Central city and I'm a forensic scientist. What are you? Oh yeah. A party boy who would move on from girl to girl!"

Monel then lunged at Barry. This time I pulled them apart.

"Enough!", I yelled. "This has gotten ridiculous. Monel, either you stop hurting Barry and stop hitting on me, or we can no longer be partners."

"Seriously? You are choosing him over me.", Monel asked. "He's a human."

"Doesn't matter.", Barry said. "I'm romantic and kind and not self absorbed. Unlike you."

Monel punched Barry in the face. Before Barry could punch back, I grabbed them both by the arm and used my super strength to get their attention.

"You guys need to cut it out.", I said. "Now stop this arguing."

"Yes Kara.", Barry and Monel mumbled.

There then was an alert. John looked at the alert confused.

"It says Parasite is attacking the city.", John said.

"Parasite?", Monel asked. "I thought Kara got rid of him."

"We all did.", Alex said.

"I'll deal with him.", I said.

"I'll help.", Barry and Monel said.

I gave Alex the help look, and she shrugged. This day was definitely going to be interesting. We fought Parasite, but then a man came down and defeated it. The man was Mr. MXYZPLX.

"MXY?", I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping you my love.", MXYZPLX said.

"Don't you see what he is doing Kara.", Monel said. "He's causing mayhem so he can look like the hero. Just like on Daxam."

"Oh shut up.", MXYZPLX said. "I love Kara Zorel and nothing can stop that."

"Why don't you just go back to your planet by saying your name backwards? Or better yet, let me end you."

"Monel.", I said.

"Yeah Monel.", Barry said. "We don't kill unless it is one hundred percent needed."

"Till next time my love.", MXYZPLX said before disappearing.

I flew back to the DEO, and Barry and Monel followed. While me, Alex, and John were looking for Mr. MXYZPLX, Barry and Monel disappeared. I saw a device that could harm MXYZPLX was missing. I followed Monel's tracker, and found Monel tied up in chains and Barry stuck frozen. MXYZPLX was about to shoot both of them. I came down and all the boys smiled.

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