Chapter 64

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Kara's Point of View.
A Couple Days Later.

So a lot has happened in a couple days. Barry went to Starling city to help a friend out. Apparently he needs the Arrow's help. There are these Kryptonian signs that appeared through our National City last night, and Thomas says that there the coming of Reign.
Reign has already killed many people, and I will not let that happen again.

"What should we do about Reign?", I asked.

"I'm not sure.", John said. "All we know is that she is a Kryptonian, burns her symbol around the city, and that she kills people."

"I don't know how to beat her.", Winn said. "All security systems went off at all the attack sites."

"Than we give Reign a message.", I said.

"Kara.", Alex said. "I think we should wait."


"Because what if this person hurts you as bad as Zoom hurt Barry?" I gave Alex a look but she continued. "I know how hard it was for you to deal with that. I don't think you want Barry to go through the same thing."

"I'll be fine Alex. I can't just ignore this. This is my city and I will do what I have to to protect it."

"Fine." Alex and me hugged. "Than kick Reign's ass."

I flew to the top of CatCo, where I heat visioned my symbol into the top of it. I than saw Reign come down.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"I am Reign.", Reign replied. "I give out justice. Kill those who disobey."

"You better get out of my city."

"This isn't your city Supergirl. It's mine now."

Reign pushed me into another building. She got her fair share of punches on me, and so did I. We both landed in the street, where she threw rocks at me. I blocked most of them, but one got to my head. She heat visioned me, punched me multiple times, and I barley got a scratch on her.
Reign had me on top of a building and I was started to see spots.

"You won't get away with this.", I said dizzy.

"I will.", said Reign. "Because I reign. And because you die."

Reign dropped me down the building when I saw a flash of lightning.

"No!", Barry screamed. He used his arms to make my landing softer. He caught me and set me down. "Kara. Please stay with me." Barry started crying. "Kara."

I than blacked out.


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Barry's Point of View.
A Couple Days Later.

So a lot has happened. Kendra and Carter, two new friends of ours, are in danger from an immortal man who wants to kill them. I went to Starling City to ask the Arrow for help. We even went to a farm safe house just to make sure.
But I might of also traveled back in time. It was on accident. Everyone died, but it won't happen now. I already knew the attack wouldn't work, so I informed Oliver.
We got a new plan. We went against Savage and it worked.
I than got a call from Alex.

"Hey Alex.", I said.

"Barry.", Alex said worried. "It's Kara. Get here now."

I hung up my phone in worry. I than super speeded to National City, to see Kara falling from the sky.

"No!", I screamed. I used my arms to make Kara's landing softer. I caught Kara and set her down. "Kara. Please stay with me." I started crying. Kara was covered in blood and in bruises. "Kara."

Kara blacked out as I super speeded her to the DEO. Kara was put under immediate care. I couldn't think.
I held the box in my pocket and cried.
Just like Kara promised me, I will make sure Reign never hurts Kara again.

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