Chapter 119

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Kara's Point of View
Four Days Later

Everything has been quite in National City ever since Ben Lockwood was locked up for Agent Liberty. Since Central City hasn't had any meta human attacks lately either, today was a perfect day for power training session. Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and myself are teaching Nia, Dominic, Ralph, and John to control their powers fully. I am working with Nia, Caitlin is working with Dominic, Cisco is working with Ralph, and Barry is working with John.

"Ok guys.", Barry said. "Huddle up."

"You all will be working with each of us in different areas.", I said. "Nia. You will be working with me at the Fortress of Solitude."

"Ralph.", Cisco said. "We will practice at the Star Labs hanger."

"Dominic.", Caitlin said. "We will be at a facility my mother built. She is out of town and is letting me borrow it for this."

"And John.", Barry said. "We will stay here in the speed lab."

Everyone went there separate ways. I took Nia to the Fortress of Solitude.

"This place is amazing Kara.", Nia said.

"Thanks.", I said. "Ok. You ready to start?"

"I guess. I am really nervous."

"Nia. Don't be. There is nothing to be nervous about."

"I know." Nia sighed. "It's just, after my mom died, I feel all this pressure to be a good hero."

"Everyone feels pressure to be a good hero." I sighed. "And I know what it feels like to lose your mother. I felt that feeling twice." Nia looked up at me in surprise. "When I was thirteen, my whole world exploded. I thought my mother had died. Then, years later, I reunite with her again. But then she died saving my life."

"How did you get through it?"

"With the people I love. I mean, everyone looks after one another here. So trust me Nia. You will get through this."

"Thanks Kara." Nia smiled. "Ok. Let's do this."

"Great. So Nia. You are a Dreamer. You have prophetic dreams that allow you to know something before it happens." I handed Nia a blindfold. "Put this on."

Nia and I started training. Nia was pretty good at fighting even when she can't see. But she still has a lot to learn. We continued training Nia how to fight, and even how to use her energy and convert it into blasts. Nia then had to go home, so we ended training for the day. I flew to Star Labs and saw Barry holding Nora and Alura.

"Where's John?", I asked giving my husband a kiss.

"He went to bed.", Barry said. "He was tired after his attempts at phasing."

"Well, I am tired too. Lets go home."

Barry and I took the girls home. We then fell fast asleep.



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Barry's Point of View
Four Days Later

Since Central City hasn't had any meta human attacks lately either, today was a perfect day for power training session. Kara, Caitlin, Cisco, and myself are teaching Nia, Dominic, Ralph, and John to control their powers fully. I am working with John, Caitlin is working with Dominic, Cisco is working with Ralph, and Kara is working with Nia.

"Ok guys.", I said. "Huddle up."

"You all will be working with each of us in different areas.", Kara said. "Nia. You will be working with me at the Fortress of Solitude."

"Ralph.", Cisco said. "We will practice at the Star Labs hanger."

"Dominic.", Caitlin said. "We will be at a facility my mother built. She is out of town and is letting me borrow it for this."

"And John.", I said. "We will stay here in the speed lab."

Everyone went there separate ways. John and I stayed at Star Labs.

"I can't believe I get to train with the Flash!", John yelled excited.

"You have a lot of enthusiasm.", I said laughing.

"Sorry. I just never got trained by a speedster before. Especially by the Flash."

"No one has ever trained you?" John nodded. "What about your parents?"

"Um." John sighed. "They said I was too young."

"Well I think you are never too young to start training." Winn wheeled down with Nora and Alura. "Unless you are two year olds. What's up Winn?"

"I have a doctors appointment that I completely forgot about.", Winn said. "I know I said I would watch Nora and Alura, but is it ok if they stay here?"

"Of course."

Winn left. John smiled at Nora and Alura.

"They are so cute.", John said.

"Yeah. They are cute." I kissed them on the forehead. "But they can be a handful at times."

"I bet."

"Ok." I placed Nora and Alura in their carriages. "Let's start."

I started training John. I started teaching him how to control his speed. I then started teaching him the fundamentals of phasing. That was harder for John to grasp. He eventually was so tired he couldn't keep his eyes open so he went to bed. I picked up Nora and Alura when Kara walked in.

"Where's John?", Kara asked kissing me.

"He went to bed.", I said. "He was tired after his attempts at phasing."

"Well, I am tired too. Lets go home."

Kara and I took the girls home. We then fell fast asleep.

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