Chapter 39

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Barry's Point of View.
A Couple Days Later.

I woke up feeling more anxious then ever. Wells may be the murderer of my mother. I got to my lab while super speeding, and I meet up with Joe.

"So this is all we know about Harrison Wells.", I said pulling down a hidden board.

"Which isn't much.", Joe finished.

"Why can't we just get him?"

"Because he has been freaky patient. So we need to be patient too."

"I guess you're right." I then heard a bomb type sound. We looked out the window to see smoke coming from a children's park. "Oh no."

I rushed out of my lab, changed into my suit, and got to the park. I got all the children and parents out of the way. I then super speeded back to Star Labs with one of the parachute bombs. Joe then arrived and took pictures of it for evidence. A video then popped up of a guy. He called himself the Trickster. Joe told us that about twenty years ago, another man named the Trickster caused many casualties. We decided to visit the original Trickster, James Jessie. We brought food for a bribe. He apparently has a secret stash. We went there, even though it was trapped, and the new Trickster had stolen everything. We went back to the jail and met James again. Turns about he was keeping a big bomb. I also got to see my dad. I went back to Star Labs, where Kara was waiting. She looked pretty upset, but also happy to see me.

"Hey Kara.", I said hugging her. "What's up?"

"Remember how Monel is from Daxam and is a royal guard.", Kara said pretty blunt. I nodded. "He's actually the prince! He has been lying to all of us this whole time!"

"That jerk!" Finally something else wrong with this guy. Kara hates liars. I still haven't told her about time travel yet though. I'll tell her after she cools down. "Please tell me you punched him. Could I?"

"No. I already screamed in his ear big time."

"I'd still like to punch him."

"Barry!", Cisco yelled running in. Caitlin and Wells weren't far behind. "Oh, hey Kara. Barry! Bomb! Trickster video! Look!"

Cisco pressed a button and another video came up of the new Trickster. He said he had a big bomb and Central cities population was about to go down. He said where it was located and I grabbed my suit and left. I could hear everyone on coms as I left.

"Whose this Trickster guy?", Kara asked confused.

"A crazy dude who wants to kill dozens of people.", Cisco said.

"Guys!", I yelled after searching the whole area. "The bomb isn't here. Should I search again?"

"This seems to easy.", Kara said.

"Kara's right.", Wells said. "Barry. This is what he wants. He wants you and the police to be running in circles. He's planning something else."

"No.", I said. I was not taking advice from my mothers murder. "That's not it. I'm going to keep looking."

"Why won't he just listen to you?", Kara asked confused.

I searched the whole area again and found the bomb. Sadly it was just a trick. I then got a call from Joe.

"Hey Joe.", I said. "The bomb was just a trick."

"I know Barry.", Joe said. "The real target was the prison. Barry. They took a hostage."

"Crap! Who?"

"Um...your father." I stood there frozen. "Barry? Hello?"

I hung up. I then heard people on the coms calling my name too.

"Barry! Barry!", Kara yelled. "Are you there? What's going on?"

"M-my dad.", I said quietly. "The Tricksters took him."

I came back to Star Labs and Kara immediately hugged me. We spent a couple hours of me crying with Kara holding me. I soon got tired and feel asleep with Kara next to me.



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Kara's Point of View.
A Couple Days Later.

I woke up in my room. I couldn't sleep, so I turned on the tv. I was watching some Netflix when the tv started to glitch. A voice came on saying that they wanted us to turn Monel to them. I got dressed and flew to the DEO. Everyone was already there, including Monel.

"So!", John shouted. "The moment that video went up, an unidentified ship entered Earths atmosphere."

"What do they want with a guard from Daxam?", I asked.

"No idea.", Alex said. Alex pulled up the image of the ship. "Monel. Does this ship look familiar to you?"

"Um, no.", Monel said hesitantly.

"Well we need to figure this out.", I said. Monel smiled at me, but I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to give our visitors a little welcome."

I flew to the ship and I dogged some of its blasts at me. Monel then told them to stand down. I met back with Monel at the DEO. I went with him up on the ship and found out Monel wasn't a royal guard but a prince! That liar. I yelled his ear off, and he still tried to hit on me! I flew to Star Labs and saw Barry walk in.

"Hey Kara.", Barry said hugging me. "What's up?"

"Remember how Monel is from Daxam and is a royal guard.", I said angry. Barry nodded. "He's actually the prince! He has been lying to all of us this whole time!"

"That jerk! Please tell me you punched him. Could I?"

"No. I already screamed in his ear big time."

"I'd still like to punch him."

"Barry!", Cisco yelled running in. Caitlin and Wells weren't far behind. "Oh, hey Kara. Barry! Bomb! Trickster video! Look!"

Cisco pressed a button and another video came up of the new Trickster. He said he had a big bomb and Central cities population was about to go down. He said where it was located and Barry grabbed his suit and left. Who the heck is a Trickster?

"Whose this Trickster guy?", I asked confused.

"A crazy dude who wants to kill dozens of people.", Cisco said.

"Guys!", Barry yelled into the coms. "The bomb isn't here. Should I search again?"

"This seems to easy.", I said.

"Kara's right.", Wells said. "Barry. This is what he wants. He wants you and the police to be running in circles. He's planning something else."

"No.", Barry said. "That's not it. I'm going to keep looking."

"Why won't he just listen to you?", I asked confused.

"Yeah.", Caitlin said. The coms were quite for way too long. "Barry? Status update?"

"Barry?", Cisco asked.

"Barry! Barry!", I yelled worried. "Are you there? What's going on?"

"M-my dad.", Barry said quietly. "The Tricksters took him."

Barry came back to Star Labs and I immediately hugged him. We spent a couple hours of Barry crying with me holding him. Barry soon got tired and feel asleep with me next to him. I then feel asleep next to his warm chest.

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