Chapter 128

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A Couple Hours Later
Barry's Point of View

Kara, Alura, Nora, Cisco, Caitlin, Julian, Dominic, Winn, James, Nia, Clark, and myself were all in the cortex. It had only been a couple hours since Lex had been proclaimed the hero of America. Alex had gone to check up on Lena.

"We need to stop Lex.", Kara said.

"But how?", Winn asked. "He's already convinced America he is a good guy."

"And that the rest of us are bad.", James added.

"And where is Lex getting all his energy from to power his suit?", Julian asked. "It's looks like it was supercharged since we last saw it."

"Maybe Lex has been using the power from aliens?", Dominic asked. "Alien's energies would help supercharge his suit enough to kill Red Daughter."

"But where would he be able to do that?", Cisco asked.

"Shelly Island.", Kara said. "It's covered with power dampeners. If they rebooted the power dampeners, it would be the perfect place to steal alien powers."

"Someone should go canvas the area.", I said. "Make sure Lex is at Shelly Island."

"I can go.", Nia and Clark said.

"I'll go too.", James said.

"James.", Caitlin said. "You can't go. The antidote to reverse what Lena did to you, is still in affect. If you go out there, you risk dying."

"Then Cisco and I will go too.", I said.

"Ok.", Cisco said. "I'll breach us there. We will let you all know on the coms if Lex is here."

Cisco, myself, Clark, and Nia all breached to Shelly Island.

"Can you guys read us?", Nia asked.

The reply was all static.

"Why can't we hear them?", I asked.

"Something must be jamming out signal.", Cisco said. "I'll breach back and let them know." Cisco tried to breach but nothing happened. "Why aren't my powers working?"

"They should be.", Clark said. "Kara had disabled the power dampeners the last time she was here."

"Well.", Nia said pointing to all the soldiers at the top of Shelly Island. "Looks like they placed the power dampeners back on."

"Which means we are powerless.", Cisco said.

"And no way to contact everyone.", Clark added.

"Maybe not.", I said. I thought for a second. "If we can turn off the power dampeners, we will have powers again and we can breach everyone else here."

"That might work.", Cisco said. "But how are we supposed to get past the guards without getting spotted?"

"Someone needs to cause a distraction.", Nia said. "That way the other three can get into the main building, so they can shut down the power dampeners."

"I'll do it.", Clark said. "Lex and I have been at this battle for a long time now. He will definitely be distracted if I'm the one to do it."

"Ok.", I said. "Let's do this."

Nia, Cisco, and I went behind snuck up to the top of the hill, where the control center was. We hid behind some crates, so the guards wouldn't see us.

"Hey!", Clark yelled. All the guards turned towards Clark. "Remember me!"

"That's Superman!", one of the guards yelled. "Get him!"

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