Chapter 87

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Barry's Point of View
A Couple Days Later

Me and Kara were in the cortex hanging out.

"Hey Kara.", I said. "Do you think our daughters will be connected to the speed force, or will Kryptonion DNA take over?"

"I'm not sure Barry.", Kara said. Kara than laughed. "But it sure will be fun to raise meta human-alien kids."

An alarm than went off, and Caitlin and Cisco rushed in.

"What's that?", I asked. A screen came up. It showed a meteor. "Is that a meteor?"

"Yes it is a meteor.", Cisco said nervously. "And yes, it is heading straight for Central city."

I super speeded my suit on and got to where the meteor landed. But, it wasn't a meteor.

"Guys.", I said. "This isn't a meteor."

"B-Barry.", Cisco's voice said over the coms. They were getting staticky. "Wh-oing on?"

"It's a spaceship." I turned my coms off and went to touch the ship. It blasted me back and I landed onto the ground. Out came these creatures. Tons came out, but none touched me. "You have got to be kidding me! Aliens!"

I contacted Lyla and Alex. They both met me back at Star Labs.

"So whats the emergency Barry?", Lyla asked.

"Yeah.", Alex said. Lyla and Alex looked at one another. "Agent Michaels."

"Agent Danvers."

"You two know each other?", Kara asked.

"Argus and the DEO keep in touch."

"Yeah. That's cool.", I said nervously. "You know what's not cool. Aliens coming from outer space and that we have no idea why they are here."

"Did you say aliens?", Lyla asked. I nodded. "And it crash landed?" I nodded again. "Then I know what they are." Kara gave a confused look, until Lyla showed a picture of them. "They are called the D-,"

"Dominators.", Kara finished. "They came to my planet, but I've also read about them."

"Well they came to Earth in the fifty's."

"The government tried to cover it up.", Alex said. "For people's safety."

"But Argus has everything under control.", Lyla said.

"Maybe you should let Team Flash help."

"No offense Agent Danvers, but Argus has it covered." Lyla sighed. I could tell Argus and the DEO did not like each other that well. "Maybe when your organization actually makes itself known, then you can help. But until then, let the professionals work." Lyla's phone went off. "I got to go."

Lyla left.

"Please tell me we are not just going to sit around.", Kara said.

"Not alone were not.", I responded.

Team Flash and Team Supergirl went to a hanger that I own. We got Team Arrow and Team Legends to show up. I than went with Cisco to go get some other friends.
We appeared in a farm house.

"This better be the right place.", Cisco said.

"It is.", I said. Just then, a bat boomerang came. It landed on a wall as Cisco screamed. "Nice to see you too Bruce Wayne."

"Barry.", Bruce said taking his Batman mask off. "What brings the Flash back?"

"Thought I could ask your guys help?"

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