Chapter 72

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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I got up early the next day and went to the club to organize a situation.

"What's going on?", Joe asked. "I know you didn't steal money from all these people."

"No.", I said sarcastically. "I decided to have some fun."

"Well this speedster got everybody within a six block radius."

"Guys.", Iris said walking up to us. "We have a problem." Iris showed me a picture of the speedster. "It looks exactly like the one I took of the Flash last year."

"I don't want people thinking the Flash is a petty criminal.", I said. I than saw Iris' phone show a message from James. "Also Iris, James texted."

"Oh." Iris blushed. "Cool. I better take this."

Me and Joe than left. We than went to National City for the funeral. After the funeral, me, Kara, and the rest of Flash team went back to Star Labs.

"Where did this speedster even come from?", I asked.

"I don't know.", Cisco said.

"But why only make yourself known now?", Kara asked.

"Exactly.", I said. "The particle acceleration explosion was more than a year ago. And that's the only way to become a speedster."

"Actually.", Caitlin said. "That's not the only way to become a speedster." Caitlin opened a safe and a vile with red liquid was shown. "We call it Velocity Nine."

"It's a speed drug.", Harry said.

"So you are telling me this whole time I could of been getting faster!", I said.

"Jay was sick.", Caitlin said. "The cells in his body were degenerating. He was dying."

Caitlin touched Jay's helmet. Cisco touched Caitlin in sympathy, and than gasped. Before any of us could ask what was wrong, the meta human alert went online.

"Bad Flash is back.", Cisco said.

I super speeded out and tried to cut her off, but she was too fast. I came back, even though I saw it was a girl.

"Are you ok Barry?", Kara asked. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No.", I responded. "And the speedster is a she."

"Awesome!", Cisco yelled. "Was she hot?"

"Cisco!", Caitlin yelled.

"What?" Caitlin sighed and Cisco smirked. "But seriously, if she was, get me her number."

"What is it with you wanting to date bad ass, sometimes evil, woman?"

"Not my problem I have a type."

"How was her suit made?", Harry asked. "That could give us a clue as to who she is."

"Good. Like mine.", I said thinking back to the female speedster. "She definitely knew the needs of a speedster."

"So a woman who probably has access to a lab, with some scientific experience.", Kara said.

"Oh no.", Caitlin said. "I think I have a very bad idea." Caitlin pulled up a woman named Eliza Harmon. "Me and Eliza went to college together and stayed in touch. I was having trouble with the Velocity Nine, so I asked her for help."

"So she knows how to make Velocity Nine.", Cisco said.

"No. I only gave her three out of the eight components needed."

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