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I hear footsteps walk into my room "Jade, wake up" I hear my mom say "5 more minutes" I groan "It's your first day of school get up" mom says "No" I say I hear her go away and hear more footsteps come in "GET UP" I hear someone yell in my ear as I jump up to see Taylor and Mom
"What the hell guys?!" I yell "Language" Mom warns as I roll my eyes "Sorry but it's your first day of high school, wouldn't wanna be late"
I roll my eyes "Get out I'm getting dressed" I say to them I hear Mom mumble something about 'teenage angst' then they walk out the door
I get dressed into...
Outfit above^^
And walk downstairs to the kitchen
Time skip............
"Ready for school?" Taylor asks as he hands me a piece of toast and a smoothie "Fine" I grumble while eating
"You sure? I remember I was really scared my first day" Mom comments "It's high school how horrible can it be?" "Pretty horrible at least for me it was" she says as I walk out the door "See ya!" I yell "I'll pick you up after school" Taylor tells me as I nod "Ok" "Love you honey!" Mom yells as I walk out the door
Time skip...........
I walk up to the Convent of the Sacred Heart
(A/N: idk if I spelled that right)
"Here goes nothing" I mumble as I walk through the doors
I walk to my locker and open it "Hey" I hear as I turn around to see a group of four 2 guys and 2 girls "H-hey" I say nervously "You're new right?" The 1 guy asks "Is it that obvious?" I laugh "I'm Nate and these crazy people are Emily, Ryan and Mads" he says motioning to the others "Hey guys I'm Jade" I wave as we hear the bell ring "Nice to meet ya Jade" Ryan says "So what's your next class?" Mads asks as I look at my schedule "Uhhh US history" I say "Same!" Mads exclaims as she grabs my hand "Let's go" "See ya guys later" we say as we leave for history class
Time skip........
"Roanoke, anyone know anything about that?" Our history teacher Mrs Price asks "170 people disappeared without a trace" I say "That is correct" Mrs Price says "What can I say? I love American Horror Story" As she smiles "Well surely you must know the history behind the lost colony is a lot creepier than AHS" The bell rings and we all walk out
Time skip...........
We're on our lunch break and we are sitting outside "Who's that?" I ask as I see a guy about 16 walking by "He's cute" "Oh that's Dylan Greyson" Emily tells me "You might think he's cute but he's bad news" Ryan adds as he starts to walk up to us "Oh shit he's coming" Nate says as Dylan sits down next to me "Hey guys" He smiles "I see you have a new girl in your crew" He motions towards me and I smile "I'm Jade" "Pretty name for a pretty girl" I smile "Thanks I'm not that-" "You are. Trust me you're fucking beautiful" He smirks "You just met me how can you judge so quickly?" I ask as I see a car pull up and beep the horn "I-I gotta go my Mom's boyfriends here" I start to stand up "Gimme your number" Dylan says "What?" I ask "Your number I wanna text you see if we can go out sometime" I smile as I write it down "You guys have it too. Don't leak it" I laugh "I really gotta go though" I start to walk away as Dylan hugs me and kisses my cheek "I really gotta go. Bye I'm sorry" I say as I quickly run to the car
Time skip.......
"What the hell was that?" Taylor demands as soon as I get into the car "Just a guy asking for my number. Don't worry I didn't give his my last name or tell him to leak my number. Can we go now?" I ask annoyed "Jeez Stef was right about the teen angst thing" he jokes "Shut up Taylor" I hiss as he starts the car and we arrive at our New York apartment
Time skip.........
"Hey babygirl how was school?" Mom asks "She met a guy and a couple friends. She gave the guy her number and she almost had her first kiss" Taylor explains "It was on the cheek!" I yell "Still" I roll my eyes "Did anything else happen?" Mom asks "He was complimenting me. That's normal right?" I ask "When you first meet not really" Mom says "Ok whatever imma be upstairs" I say
Time skip.......
I'm in my room on my phone when I get a text
Unknown: hey it's dylan
Jade: hey wassup
Dylan: wanna go to a party w/ me tonight?
Jade: u asking me out
Dylan: only if u want me 2 be
Jade:🤣 sure y tf not
Dylan: damn u curse hahaha nice
Jade: doesn't every teenager
Dylan: true anyway text me ur address I'll pick u up at 8
I smile to myself as I get another text
Unknown: Hey it's Mads i just put u in our GC
Jade: ok
Ry-guy: heyyyyy
Em: yo
Jade: Dylan asked me out on a date
Nate: lemme guess to the party tonight
Jade: yup
Nate: good luck w/ that
Jade: im scared guys
Mads: it'll be fine I'm going em is too
Jade: rlly? That's amazing can u 2 come over rn I need help
Em: we need ur address
Jade: if I give it to u don't leak it
Mads: ok
I laugh as I sit on my bed and wait for Emily and Mads to get here
First chapter updated gonna write the 2nd part rn

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