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The gang I, including Jake, all walk out of the doors of Sacred Heart and turn onto 5th Avenue "So schools out! What do you want to do?" I ask "There's this indoor swimming pool that my mom goes to, it's around the corner and it's open right now, we can go there" Jakes suggests "If ya want to" "I don't know, we might get in trouble" Emily says "Come on, it'll be fun" Ryan adds as Mads rolls her eyes "Fine, but if we get in trouble, I'm blaming you" she points at him and Jake "Both of you" "Noted" Jake says nervously "Let's go" He tells us as we run to the swimming pool
Time skip........
We get to the swimming pool and Jake closes the door behind us "Why am I thinking of 'The Sopranos' right now?" I wonder aloud "Maybe because this is the one scene your mom was an extra in?" Nate asks "Probably yeah. She was our age, it was filmed 3 years before I was born" I recall "Yep" Matt says "Wait. We don't have swimsuits" He says "That's right. Wanna go in with our clothes?" Ryan asks "Yes clothes, I prefer clothes" Emily starts to get nervous "Em...are you ok?" Mads asks "I'm fine" "Ok" Jake says as he dives in "Y'know this would be a lot better with music" Matt says as he turns on his phone and puts on a playlist. The 1st song is 'Shallow' "Come on J!" Matt says as he takes my hand and we jump in the water, the others soon join us until Jake gets out and reaches in his bag to get something "Nothing like a party without a little fun!" He yells as he tosses us 6 beers "No thanks, I don't drink" I toss it back to him "Yeah me either" Matt says, the others toss theirs also as we hear the door open "Anyone in here?!" A man voice yells "I thought you said the pool was open" Mads whispers to Jake as we all hurry out and go to the locker rooms to dry off "Yeah... about that... I kinda lied?" He says "What the hell?! Why would you do that?" Mads asks "Because you have to learn how to live a little, you need to do something bad once in a while" Mads rolls her eyes "Fuck you" She says "Fine. I never wanted to date you anyway" Jake says "Fine. Just help us get out of this mess, the mess you caused!" "Nah, you're on your own, Madison" Jake says walking away as the man walks up to us "You kids are in major trouble, you realize that?" He says as we all nod "Good, now you all wait outside, I have to call the cops"
Time skip.............
We are all reluctantly waiting outside as the cops come "Breaking and Entering, huh?" The female cop says "What were you kids doing in there anyway?" "My boyfriend- well my now ex-boyfriend tricked us and told us that this pool was open" Mads explains "When I found out I dumped him immediately" "Well that was very brave of you, but Breaking and Entering is still a felony, young lady" the male cop tells her "I know" she mumbles "We're going to have to take you downtown, unless your parents can pick you up" the male cop says "Well this'll look great on the News" I say sarcastically "I know right" Matt says "It'll be ok though baby" he kisses me and hugs me "We're going to have to call your parents" The female officer says as I sigh "Stefani's definitely gonna kill me" I mumble
Time skip.........
Stefani's P.O.V.........
I'm at home with Taylor when the phone rings "That must be Jade" I say knowing that Jade probably went somewhere without telling me, I answer the phone
"Hello?" I ask
"Hello, is this Stefani Germanotta?"
"This is she" I answer nervously
"Hi, Ms. Germanotta, I'm Officer Williams, I'm calling you to regard your daughter, Jade"
"What did she do, officer?" I ask, scared to hear the answer
"She and her friends decided to go swimming after school, they were caught Breaking and Entering"
"Oh no, my fiancé and I are on our way, we'll be there in 15 minutes" I say as I hang up and turn to Taylor
"Jade got arrested" I say "She's turning into me, I knew it would only be a matter of time" "Stef, it's ok, she's not turning into you, this is Jade we're talking about here, I'm sure she has a great explanation to why she's in the police station right now. Let's go get her and ask" He says as I nod
Time skip........
Jade's P.O.V.........
15 minutes later Taylor and Mom come running in (literally)
"What happened?" Taylor demands "We snuck into a pool?" I ask "Who's idea was this?!" He yells as he looks at Matt "It wasn't mine! It was Jake" Matt says "Mad's boyfriend?" Mom asks as Mads nods "He tricked us, when I found out I broke up with him" she cries "Oh honey" Mom pulls Mads in a hug "It's gonna be ok guys, we'll get you out of this, Grandpa's filling out the paper work" "Is he going yell at us for 2 hours in Italian like he did when you first snuck out?" I ask "Knowing your grandpa... probably" she laughs as we all leave the police station
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