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The gang and I get back to the apartment and we are immediately face to face with Mom and Bradley, both glaring at us with looks of disappointment.
"Now, kids. Tell me why the fuck there is a fucking news article with Nate on the cover jumping on a police officers back in Brooklyn?!" Mom yells as we all, even Bradley jumps a little I stiff a laugh "You think this is funny?!" "Nope just, apparently it's new rule that you're not allowed to perform on a busy street corner in the state of New York" I say as Bradley raises an eyebrow "Yeah I know... stupid right?" Mads asks "That is a dumb rule, who made that rule?" Mom asks "Exactly what I said!" Emily says "Yeah like what the hell dudes" Nate adds as I roll my eyes "I'm pretty sure none of us... or at least I didn't imagine that Nate would jump on that officers back, after he did we didn't really have time to step in and apologize, I mean I guess we could've but I don't fucking know why we didn't to be honest what the hell" Ryan stutters as Bradley nods "I completely understand Ryan, and kids, but I still think you needed to go back there and apologize instead of your mother and I, Jade!" He yells looking at all of us "having to deal with it over a news article, not to mention which you guys are on the cover off, also not to mention the amounts and numbers of paparazzi that are just bound to show the hell up after they hear that Lady Gaga's daughter, her boyfriend and friends completely went off the deep end!" Mads starts quietly singing 'Shallow' as I hit her in the elbow "I would sing too but not the time" I mumble as she nods and we all head up to my room
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! It's kinda short... don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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