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The gang and I run out of the doors of The Convent Of The Sacred Heart on the last day of school "We're finally sophomores!" I yell "J, don't start please. I want at least 3 months away from Savino" Nate groans as Mads laughs "So how was everyone's freshman year?" "Great" Emily says "Boring" Nate and Ryan  say in unison "Great, because I met you" Matt says as he kisses me "Aww thanks mine was too" I kiss him back "We're still here" Ryan points out "Yeah we know" I joke as I roll my eyes "We should start our summer on a good note" Emily says as we all look at each other "Performing!" We all yell except Nate who yells "Dylan's Candy Bar!" We all laugh "What? I want candy" he admits "Ya boys got a sweet tooth" "Show me ya teeth!" Mads and I yell in his ear as he jumps and runs to the others "Please! The little monsters are attacking me!" I roll my eyes "You're saying it like you don't like my mom... say you don't like her and I'll punch you in the face!" I joke "And don't underestimate Jade, she's punched a dude in the face before" Matt adds and I nod "I know! I was there!" Nate says as he laughs "We'll go to Dylan's Candy Bar then we'll go to The Bitter End and try to see if they're any gigs available" Mads suggests as we all nod and start walking across the street to Matt's car
Hope u enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u think! Also hella short chapter but whatever I'll update better next time lmao

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