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I'm in my room when Taylor knocks on the door "You can come in y'know you don't have to knock" I yell as he comes in the room "So your mother is out with the Haus, you wanna hang out?" Taylor asks "Aww is Tay lonely?" I joke as he laughs "Ha ha ha" he says sarcastically "Sure, where'd you wanna go?" I ask "Let's head out and see" he smiles as I get up and get my bag and we walk out of the apartment
Time skip.......
We're driving around in his car "So how's school?" He asks "What do you think?" I roll my eyes "How's the gang?" "They're good" "You and Matt?" "We're good" I smile "You love him don't you?" Taylor asks "If I say yes are you gonna kill him?" I ask as he laughs "No... maybe, it's just I've known you for so many years, and you're going off to college soon" I roll my eyes "I have 3 more years" I say "and it's weird seeing you with a boyfriend" I laugh "We've been together for 5 months you can calm down" I tell him "What college do you wanna go to anyway?" "Isn't it obvious? NYU" I answer "Tisch?" "Hell yeah, with the best theatre department, an amazing songwriting program, plus it's where Mom went. Why wouldn't I wanna go there?" I ask "I don't know" Taylor laughs "so what are we doing?" I ask "Lunch?" Taylor asks me as I nod and we park the car and head outside into a café for lunch
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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