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Matt and I are in my room watching Tv "It's kinda weird with the gang not being here" I tell him as he nods "It's just us... alone" he smiles as I laugh "Yeah well you're lucky Tay and my mom aren't here 'cause you'll be dead" "Maybe I'm willing to take the chance" he says as he kisses me and puts his hand on my thigh while rubbing my back "M-Matt y'know we can't" I say having him stop "Can we try?" he asks "I love you Matt I really fucking do. I-I just don't think I want this now" "This is high school we're both bound to get fucked at some point ok? Why not now?!" He yells at me I jump "I-I'm not ready and I don't know if I'll ever be. Ok? Why can't you accept that?" I say back trying my best not to cry "I'm almost 16 J, maybe this is just a teenage guy thing,but I want this... and I want it with you" "I do too. But not now, I have a fear with sex y'know that" "Why? None of that shit happened to you so why the hell worry about it?" Matt tells me "Because my mom was fucking raped ok? She was with my asshole father and she got abused and raped, and I don't know if ya forgot but I almost did too!" I yell "Y'know what Jade? I think we should take a break" Matt looks at me I scoff "Seriously? You're breaking up with me just because I don't wanna have sex with you? Y'know you guys are just all about sex" "That's not true J" he rolls his eyes "Oh really? So guys just don't show up at parties and rape girls? They don't drug them and hold them against their will?!" I ask "You fucking take that back. I am not like those guys!" He yells "Ya sure? 'Cause you're acting like one right now" I tell him he walks up to me and hits me I gasp as tears fall "Get out. Get the fuck out of my house right now" I say "Gladly" Matt smirks "You're unbelievable" I shake my head "It's not my fault you're acting like a bitch" "We're done" I mumble "Ok. See ya" he climbs out my window leaving me to cry
Time skip...........
Mom and Taylor come home "Jade where are you?" Mom yells "In here" I sniffle Mom comes in "Taylor's putting the groceries away" she says she looks at me then hugs me "What's wrong? Honey are you ok?" I shake my head "W-we broke up" I mumble "I don't know what to do" I cry
I tell her everything
"Honey... good job for standing up for yourself, I'm very, very proud of you. Don't take any bullshit from anybody you hear me?" I nod as Taylor comes in "Oh no, you're crying, what did Matt do?" "They broke up" Mom mouths to him I just cry harder "Jade, want me to call the gang?" Taylor asks hugging me I nod "ok"
Time skip......
The gang runs over into my room "It's gonna be ok" Mads says to me as she hugs me really tight "Matt's a jerk for dumping you over something stupid. He should know you don't want it yet" "I'm gonna hurt him" Nate says to us I smile "I appreciate it but please don't. He's still our friend, plus I don't want there to be a major thing on the news, and when it comes to my family, there always is" I laugh "Ok... fine I won't" "Thanks" I say "Y'know maybe we're gonna get back together soon, but right now I just need time" "Understandable" Emily and Ryan say "Yep" Taylor agrees "Ok... I know what will make you feel better" Emily says as she turns to Mom "We need snacks and your albums" as Mom nods and gives her my phone and she puts on 'Bad Kids' I smile as Taylor brings in a whole bunch of candy "Thanks guys" I say "Anything to make you feel better" Ryan says
Well it kinda was a bad mistake to listen to I'll Never Love Again while writing this chapter bc now I'm crying, but don't worry in a couple chapters they'll get back together 😉 (Spoiler) lmao 😂 hope u guys still enjoy this tho even tho it's sad 😭😭

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