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I'm packing up in my room for tomorrow when we leave and head back to New York as Matt comes in "Hi" He says I smile "Hey" "What are you doing?" "Packing, sad to leave but hey we gotta get back to the city at some point" I laugh "Come on you love the city" Matt says as he climbs on my bed "True... I can't believe school starts soon" "Don't remind me" Matt groans "We're gonna be sophomores" "Another year of Savino being the annoying ass vice principal she is" I say as I join Matt "another year of us being together" I kiss him "Shouldn't you be packing?" Matt asks "Finished" I tell him
Time skip........
"Hey kids are you all packed?" Bradley asks as he walks in the room and Matt and I are watching Hotel "Am I interrupting anything or...?" He asks as he and I both shake our heads "Nope, just taking a break from packing" Matt says "So no funny business?" "No, never" he quickly says as I look at him "Ok maybe not... never, but not now! I mean with you in the house! Definitely not" I roll my eyes as Bradley smiles and looks at me "Ha! He's scared of me! Looks like Rocket Raccoon got some balls now" he laughs "You're hopeless" I mumble "Believe what you wanna believe, B" Matt tells him as he runs out the door and Matt and I are both laughing watching him walk away
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! (Also recommendations for chapters, well appreciated If u have any)

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