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Mads, Emily and I are at our lockers "So about you and Matt?" Emily says looking at me "What? Oh my god, no!" I yell as I close my locker door "Why not?" Mads asks "You know why" I tell them "That shit with Dylan was like 6 months ago" Emily tells me "I'm changing the subject" I say as we walk out the doors "You can't deny that you want to" Mads tells me "I want to at least be 17, I can wait 2 more years" I tell them "Well yeah but Matt's gonna be 18 by then" Emily says I roll my eyes "I got it covered" I smile as we start jumping up and down and screaming the lyrics to 'A-Yo' as the boys approach us "Oh no, the fan girls are at it again" Nate jokes "Shut up Nathan" Emily says as he rolls his eyes as we get to close to my place "Hey, I gotta go, the guys, Em, and I are gonna get you and Matt, Christmas presents" Mads tells me "I'm pretty sure if you were you wouldn't tells us but whatever" Matt tells her as they laugh and leave I open the door
Time skip......
"Hey!" I yell as I open the door to complete silence "I don't think anyone's home" I tell him "The last time you did that didn't you walk into them having sex?" Matt asks as I burst out laughing "If I were to actually see it happening I would probably have nightmares" I say "Let's watch TV" Matt says go to my room and we turn on Netflix and put AHS: Hotel on
We're watching the scene where Donovan and the Countess go to the cemetery and get the couple and go back to the hotel (aka the 1st episode) "Do you want me to turn it off?" Matt asks me "I-I think I'm fine" I tell him as I hug him "It's just kinda awkward I mean it's my mom" as Matt nods "It would probably be awkward" "Do you think our relationship will be illegal when you're 18?" I ask "I don't know. I mean we're only a year and a month apart so I don't know... why?" Matt asks "Mads and Emily and I... we were talking about uh... Y'know" as he nods "Yeah" "Y'know Tay was 15 when-" "J, I feel like I know what you're saying. But remember you told me you were afraid. I respect that you are and I don't want to jeopardize anything" Matt tells me as I kiss him "I'm not scared anymore. I told you when the time is right I'll know and the time is right... and I know" I tell him as he kisses me and runs my back and thigh "Ya sure?" He asks as I kiss him "Does that answer your question?" I ask he takes our shirts off I groan as he kisses my neck and we're interrupted by the door "Hey J, - what the hell?!?!" Taylor yells "T-Taylor it's not w-what it looks like" Matt tells him "It's Mr Kinney to you now" he growls at him "Is he gonna kill me?" Matt asks me "I think he is" I say "I'll text ya later ok?" I ask "Seriously what the hell is happening in- Jade?!" Mom yells as she runs in the room "I'm sorry-it's not" I tell her "What it looks like? Cause it looks like you and Matt here were about to hit the nail if you know what I mean" I nod "We're Sorry Stefani" "Ms Germanotta" she corrects "We're sorry, I'm sorry Ms G" he says "Don't turn into me. Don't turn into me. How many fucking times have I fucking told you that?!" She yells at me "A million?" I ask "Don't get an attitude with me. Your grandmother can tell you all about what I did. Including something I shouldn't have, like this, your grandfather caught me when I was 16 with a 25 year old. And Y'know who that 25 year old was?" She asks me "Dad?" I ask as she nods "Just give me your phone, your grounded for 2 weeks, we'll talk about this in the morning" I nod and give her my phone
Hope u enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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