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Today I am going over to Matt's place before school starts "Hi Holly" I say as she smiles and hugs me "Hi Jade, come in" I walk in the living room as John walks in "Hi kiddo, you looking for Matt?" I nod laughing "How are ya Mr Brown?" "I'm good, thank you" he smiles as Matt walks downstairs "Hey J" He says as he hugs me "Hi Matty" I say as he gets his car keys "Ready to go?" I groan "Unfortunately" he laughs "Oh I'm amusing to you?" He nods and I playfully hit him "Ok have fun at school!" John yells as we run out the door
Time skip.........
Matt and I get done ordering breakfast for the gang and we are all on our way to pick Mads up "Hi guys" she says climbing in the car "You ok?" Nate asks "They're breaking up" she states "Your parents?" Emily asks Mads nods "We're Sorry" I say as she smiles "It's ok. I'm fine, or I will be. I saw it coming, guess it was only a matter of time" I hand her breakfast from the backseat "A donut?" "Hey, we were hungry. And Jade here wanted some donuts" Matt glares at me as I put my hands up in surrender "What can I say? I gotta sweet tooth" everyone bursts out laughing as we enter the school parking lot and get out of the car "What time is it?" Ryan asks as I get out my phone "8:35" I panic "Shit we're late" "By a fucking hour" Matt adds "The drive through was long" "Fuck" Nate agrees as we all rush in school to only get stopped by Savino "Detention, the 6 of you. After school, are we clear?" We all nod
Time skip.......
We're all in detention "Well this sucks" Nate states "Savino did leave, so can we" I state "To where? Brooklyn?" Mads asks "I was thinking more of a recording studio but that works too" "I want food" Ryan says "Amen man" Nate high fives him "I want some cookies" I say as Emily nods "Can we leave?" "She'll come back" "We can write a note? Like in the Breakfast Club?" Matt asks as I roll my eyes and we all look at him "Sometimes you're dumb" I state and Nate looks out a window and starts to hit it until it opens "Found our way out" he smirks as Emily yells "Sweet!" We all climb through the window and run to the parking lot, get in Matt's car and drive to the corner store to get some food
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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