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Matt and I are in Moms recording studio in her house, trying to write a new song "Ok, how about this?" I ask as I grab my notebook "'Wish I know you would come into my mind every once in a while'" I read the line as Matt nods "It's good, now think of all the shit that assholes put you through" he says "you just gave me an idea" I say as I write the line down
Time skip......
An hour has passed and we finished the song, "Record it?" Matt asks "Hell Yeah" I smile as I get in the booth and sing my new song 'Should've known'

Wish I knew you would come into my mind every once in a while.
I can think of all the shit you've put me through.
To finally blame on you.
Don't think this won't end on a trial oh.

Think I, I could've known that.
I should've known that.
You were off doing something bad.
Thinking of what we never had.

Wish I knew you would eventually break my heart in two.
I can think of all the words you said.
To finally punch you back with them.
Don't think this won't end with a perfect view.

Think I, I could've known that.
I should've known that.
You were off doing something bad.
Thinking of what we never had.

I'm done with your lying.
I'm done with your games.
Don't try and deny it.
It's all the fucking same.

I'm done with your lying.
I'm done with your games.
Don't try and deny it.
It's all the damn same.
I finish and walk out of the booth as Matt smiles at me "You know that your fucking beautiful right J?" I laugh as I sit down on the couch "Sometimes I don't think so" I admit "Well you are" He says as he kisses me and puts a hand on my thigh "Should we really be doing this now?" I laugh as he kisses my neck "Hell Yeah" he smiles as I smirk
(Not writing that part, but u could guess what happens)
Matt and I are cleaning the couch as we finish doing 'it' Mads walks in and tries to sit down "No no no" Matt says as she pushes her back "We're cleaning it" I explain "Did you spill something?" "Y-Yeah?" I say as Bradley walks in "Oh god" Matt whispers "Hey kids, why are you cleaning the couch?" He asks "Spilled something" I say quickly as he looks at me "Your hairs messy" "Thanks? Is it supposed to be?" I whisper to Matt "I don't know maybe? It wasn't the first time" Mom walks in "This is just a fucking family reunion" I say "J- why are you cleaning the couch?" "Why's everyone asking that?!" I yell "Because either you spilled something or you cleaning it because you did the dirty and wanna cover it up" Mom says as Nate walks in "Looks like someone committed a crime of lust" he looks at us as Matt rolls his eyes and hugs me "Ok yeah we did! Ya happy?!" I say "I knew I heard moaning!" Nate yells "Shut the hell up!" Matt says "Guilty" I say as I laugh "B, don't worry it's not the first time-" "So I'm guessing I have to be that type of stepfather who tells the daughter to leave the door open every time her boyfriends over?" Bradley asks as I nod nervously "I'm sorry" "Jade, don't worry, I'm not mad. Its just gonna take some time getting used to since I've never raised a teenager before" I laugh "It's good that you not-" I feel my leg start to hurt "J, are you ok?" Mads asks "Matt-" "I hurt you didn't I?" "Yeah" I say as I hug him "It's ok though" "Mom, is this normal?" I ask "When was the last time you had sex?" "4 months ago" Matt and I say in unison as she nods "It's pretty normal for your bottom area to hurt after a little while" "Oh ok" "Did you use protection?" "Yup" I say "I have some in my wallet" "Did you check the experation date?" Bradley asks "All of them expire next year" Matt answers "Good boy!" He says "Never say that again" I tell him as he laughs "Yeah ok, did you record a new song? I heard Matt playing guitar" "Yeah, it's called 'Should've Known'" I tell him "Cool" Mom says as I nod
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! I also wrote the song yesterday 😀

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