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We walk back to my apartment after coming back from the Empire State Building "So how was it?" Mom asks "Well it was great... until Nate told us he was scared of heights" I laugh "I'm sorry ok?" He tells me "Yeah ok" Mads mumbles "Hey Mom, can I go to Mads's house? We're all hanging out and going to dinner" I explain "Yeah sure" she says "Be back by 10!" Taylor yells from the kitchen "I will!" I yell back as I leave
Time skip......
We're walking to Mads's house "It's so fucking cold" I mumble "Yeah that's because it's like 20 degrees out" Emily tells me "Plus it's New York, it's always cold here" Ryan says "True" Mads adds "Hey how's you and Jake?" Matt asks "Good" She says
We arrive at her place "Hey Mom, Dad" Mads says as we open the door "Hi Madi" Her dad says "Who are your new friends?" He asks "Oh, this is Jade and her boyfriend Matt" Ryan tells him "Nice to meet you two, I'm Jim and this is my wife Jo" "Nice to meet you both. Is Jo short for anything or..?" I ask "It's short for Josephine" "Oh cool" I say "Oh excuse me" Jim says as he gets a phone call he comes back a few minutes later "That was my boss. I'm sorry kids but it looks like we'll have to miss dinner..." "Oh ok" Mads says "We'll See you later than" she says as she walks out of the house and we follow her
Time skip......
"Mads, you ok?" I ask "Dad's always working. Mom has to follow whatever he does, it's hard... not really having family around when you need them the most" she says as We all hug her "We're your family, no mater what" She smiles "Thanks guys" "Anytime" Matt tells her as we pass a bar "Another dive bar?" Emily asks as she looks at me "Up your alley?" "Since when is performing not up my alley? Hell yeah" I say as we head in
"Hi, welcome to Johnson's how may I help you?" A man asks "I'm here to perform" I tell him "You look like you're a kid" I smile "Yeah ok so can you let us in or what?" I ask "You over 21?" I nod "Ok, come in" he says as I smile
"What song ya singing?" Mads asks "Yoü and I" I smile "Excellent song choice" A familiar voice says as as I turn around "Lüc" I mumble "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask "I work here remember? Or haven't you read the tabloids? Your mother and I met here all those years ago" "What do you want?" I ask "I want your mother back" I scoff "Well that's never gonna happen." I say "Next to perform we have Jade Elizabeth!" I hear "Gotta go. Have a nice life... Lüc" I mumble as I turn to my friends "Matt, you're on guiter, Girls you're on backup vocals and boys, drums" I say as I walk on stage "Hey I'm Jade Elizabeth, That's Matt, here's Nate and Ryan and those people are Emily and Mads, this song is one of my favorites of Lady Gaga's. This is called 'Yoü and I'"
A/N: music video up above ^^
Everyone cheers "Thank you very much" I smile Lüc walks up to me "Good job kid" he says "Thanks.. I guess" I say "I gotta go.. but have a good night Jade" "Thanks Lüc" I say as my friends and I leave
"Well that was...Awkward" Matt says "No kidding" I laugh "You did great baby" I smile as he kisses me "I still can't believe that dude thought we were 21 though" Mads says "I know" Ryan says
"You really did great though J" Emily tells me as I hug her "Thanks you guys did too" I tell them as we start to head home
Kinda awkward chapter but idc hope u enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment what u thought of this chapter

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