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I'm on the couch when Mom comes in "Hey, can I go meet up with Matt? The others are meeting us at the mall" I tell her getting up "No funny business ya hear me?" I roll my eyes "Love ya bye" I say as I get my bag and walk out the door
Time skip......
I get to Matt's and his mom lets me in "Hi Jade, how are you?" Holly asks me "I'm good, what about you?" I ask "I'm good, thank you. Matt's in his room" I nod and walk upstairs when I get there I jump on him "J! Babe what the fuck?" He yells as I laugh and kiss him "I like your room" I tell him "Thanks" He laughs "What time are the others meeting us?" I ask "Right-" the others burst in his room "Now" he tells me as I nod "Hey guys" I say "Yo, we getting a taxi?" Ryan asks "Don't worry Ry, I'm not gonna make you walk an hour" I joke as I hug them "Ok good" Nate says relieved as I roll my eyes "Let's go" Mads says as I nod and we walk out the door and outside
Time skip..........
We get to the mall and we walk to the record store "So they have 'The Fame' but they don't have 'Joanne'? What the hell?" Emily asks "They did Stef dirty" Matt agrees "Agreed" I say "Well let's just get it" I say as I get the vinyl and we walk out of the store and the alarm rings "Shit" Emily mumbles "You guys go ahead, I got this" I say as I go in and pay for it only to find a mall cop chasing after me I run out and meet my friends "What-?" Mads says "Just... run" I say as Matt jumps over a bench "Showoff" I joke "Hey, I'm a hot showoff. You said yourself" I roll my eyes "True" I say "Uh guys" I look behind me "I payed for it!" I yell "I left the cash on the desk, why are you chasing us?" I ask "Oh, sorry. We got you guys confused with someone else" the cop says as I roll my eyes "Great" I say sarcastically as we leave and get Fro-yo at the food court
Hope u enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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