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My friends and I are about to walk out the doors of Sacred Heart when I see Jake run up and scare Mads "Jake! Don't do that!" She yells laughing "It's fun though" he pouts "Awww you two are so cute" Ryan tells them "I second that" Emily adds "Thanks guys" Mads says "Oh by the way, Jake did I introduce you to my friends?" She asks as he shakes his head "Well, this is Nate and these other crazy people are Ryan, Emily, Jade and Jade's boyfriend Matt, guys this is Jake" "Hey" I say "Mads told us a lot 'bout ya" Matt says "Ok, I'd hate to be that 'protective friend' but.. if you break her heart I'll fucking break your face" Nate tells him as Jake slowly steps back "Noted" "Ya do know he's joking right?" Emily asks laughing "Yeah...." Jake says nervously as I roll my eyes "So what's up?" I ask "Well, there's this new café opening down the street from my house, ya guys wanna go?" Jake asks us "Yeah sure" Ryan nods "Ok cool, let's go" Jake runs across the street to the café and we follow him
Ik this is a hella short chapter😭😭 hope u enjoy tho! Don't forget to vote and comment below what u think, any requests/ ideas u might have or what u think Matt and Jade's ship name should be

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