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Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Bradley, the gang and I are all on the private jet heading back to the city "Look at the sky" I say "It's so beautiful" Matt smiles "Not as beautiful as you" he kisses me "Happy 2nd anniversary J" "Happy anniversary Matty" I hug him as Mads yells from behind us "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" which causes everyone to look at us "Happy anniversary!" Bradley and Mom say in unison as I smile "What's the occasion?" Grandpa asks as Grandma buts him in the arm "What? I don't know these kinds of things" "It's ok Papa Joe. It's the 2 year anniversary of the day we met and started dating!" Matt explains "Oh well, in that case, felice anniversario" I smile "Means 'Happy anniversary' in Italian" I whisper to Matt "I know what it means, I'm half Italian y'know!" He says as the gang and I burst out laughing "Can't believe we're gonna be sophomores" Nate says "Don't fucking remind me" Emily says as Mom turn around "Watch your language" "Yes Stefani" she looks back at us scared as Ryan laughs "She scares me sometimes" "Oh don't worry, she scares all of us sometimes" I laugh with the others
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