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A/N: gotta long ass chapter for ya, so grab some popcorn if needed and enjoy the book!

It's been a day since we've arrived home from our trip to Malibu
I wake up to Mom walking into my room "Oh hi honey I'm just- sorting out your closet" she explains as I get up and roll my eyes "Why?" "Because you brought a lot of clothes in Malibu, I'm helping you" I look at her oddly "Now come on! You're gonna be late for the first day of school!" I groan as I walk to my bathroom and get dressed into
(Outfit up above)
Get my backpack

And walk downstairs where Mom, Bradley and Lea are "There's our sophomore!" Bradley exclaims as I hop on the kitchen counter and grab a peach nearby "Please don't say 'our' I'm still tryna get over the fact that you two are still actually together...

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And walk downstairs where Mom, Bradley and Lea are "There's our sophomore!" Bradley exclaims as I hop on the kitchen counter and grab a peach nearby "Please don't say 'our' I'm still tryna get over the fact that you two are still actually together" I say as the both look at me with their eyebrows raised "Kidding" I quickly stare as Lea slowly walks towards me "Hi Lea" I say as I pick her up and she waves to me and laughs "Hi Jadey" I smile as I hug my little sister "It's 6:50, aren't Matt and the gang picking you up soon?" Bradley asks as I nod and hand Lea back to him "I should go, see ya" I say as I run outside
Time skip.....
I see Matt's car pull up and get in "Who's ready for sophomore year?!" Mads yells as I laugh and hug her "I'm guessing us?" "Yup!" "This is gonna be the best year ever!" Emily cheers "You say that now..." Nate starts "Just wait" the rest of us say in unison as we get to the school
We walk in the building as we are handed our schedules "Oohhh" I say as I look at mine "You sound like you're having an-" Ryan starts as Emily covers his mouth and I raise an eyebrow at him "Never mind" "ok? Class schedules! Everyone" I announce as we all hand our schedules to each other
(Gonna write everyone's)

Jade's schedule:
1st period- Biology
2nd- AP History
3rd- PE
4th- Geometry (10th grade)
5th- Cafe (lunch)
6th- Music
7th- Italian
8th- Study Hall
9th- AP English (10th grade)

Matt's schedule:
1st-Geometry (10th grade)
2nd- French
3rd- Study Hall
4th- AP English (10th grade)
5th- Cafe (lunch)
6th- Music
7th- PE
8th- Biology
9th- AP History

Mads's schedule:
1st- AP History
2nd- Italian
3rd- AP English (10th grade)
4th- Geometry (10th grade)
5th-Cafe (lunch)
6th-Study Hall

Ryan's schedule:
1st- Geometry (10th grade)
2nd-Study Hall
3rd- Music
5th- Cafe (lunch)
6th- Biology
7th- AP English (10th grade)
9th- AP History

Emily's schedule:
1st-Study Hall
2nd- French
3rd- Geometry (10th grade)
5th-Cafe (lunch)
6th-AP English (10th grade)
8th- AP History
9th- Music

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