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Mads is running to us when we are all at our lockers after school "Guys! Guys! Guys!" She yells "Well you're excited" Matt comments "No really?" Emily asks him "Guys!" Mads says "What?" Ryan asks "Jake asked me out!" She screams "Really?! Mads that's awesome!" I hug her "Awww thanks. It's tonight... I'm scared" She says leaning against the wall "What if he kisses me? What if I fuck up? What if he decides he doesn't like me anymore? What if-" "Mads enough with the 'What ifs' please. You're gonna do great" Nate tells her she smiles "Thanks" she laughs as we head outside "It's fucking freezing out here" I say "You don't have a jacket so that's probably why" Ryan says "Come here. I'll keep you warm" Matt says "Awww thanks baby" I say as I walk over to him and he wraps his arms around me "Seriously you two might as well just fuck already" Emily jokes as I hit her "If we do my mom would definitely kill me... I'm scared she might just go all 'American Horror Story' on me when I even think about it" I shudder as Nate laughs "The nails might be able to do the job" "Shut up" I hit him "Ow!" "I wanna do it when the time is right... and when we're like 19" Matt says I nod "Agreed" I say as we go to my place
Time skip.........
"Hey!" Matt yells as Mom and Taylor come into the living room "Seriously do you guys ever go to your own houses?" Taylor fake groans "Hahaha" Ryan smiles "Nope" He says "Hey Tay... ya know how I'm like a second daughter to you" Mads says "Yes?" He says then looks sternly at her "Wait what did you do?" "Nothing!" She yells "I have a date with a guy and I'm nervous" She says "Ok well... Stefani you're good at this" He sits on the couch as Mom takes over "My best advice I can give is just be yourself and have fun... but not too much fun, no drinking until you're 21 ok? Remember that, I fucked up on that road way too many times when I was a teenager" Mom says "Noted" Mads says "You're gonna do great Mads ok? Stop worrying" Taylor tells her hugging her "Thanks" she says "Hey where's my hug?" I ask as Taylor hugs me "Come here J" he hugs me "So how was your day guys?" Mom asks "Good" we all say "Any homework?" "I have Math that's it" I tell her "Get working on it after this ok?" I nod "Don't forget the Haus is coming over tonight" She tells me "Ok" I say "What about Aunt Nat?" I ask "She'll be there" Mom smiles at me "Yay! I yell as the others laugh "Well we gotta go" Emily says motioning to the door "Ok bye text ya later!" I say "Good luck with Jake, Mads!" I say as I hug her "Thanks love you" "Love you too!" I yell "Bye Jade" Matt kisses me "Bye Matt" I smile as he leaves "Homework?" Taylor asks "Yeah I'll work on it" I say as I head up to my room
Finally updated! Lmao hope u enjoy this don't forget to vote & comment what u think!

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