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Currently the gang and I are in Matt's room ready to surprise him for his 16th birthday
We hear him groan and he wakes up "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" We all yell as we jump up from behind his closet door "Hey guys" he laughs "Thanks" he tells us "thanks babe" he kisses me "You're welcome Matt" I hug him as Nate smiles "Should we leave or...?" I roll my eyes as I pick up a shoe and throw it at him "Does that answer your question?" He puts his hands up in surrender "Ok damn J no need to get violent" "So what we doing today?" Mads asks "Why are you always the one to ask that?" Emily wonders aloud as I shrug and Ryan laughs "She's right, it's your big day man, we gotta do something" "I kinda feel bad I didn't plan anything for you" I tell him as everyone looks at me "What?"" Its not like I can automatically think of something" "Breakfast? We'll take you out to breakfast in Brooklyn!" I shout "Is Brooklyn your new obsession?" Nate asks me "Shut up" I say "Anyway, I wanna ask you guys something, Dad is gonna request us to play a gig at Welcome To The Johnson's, wanna come?" "Hell Yeah!" Mads says as we all laugh "That's what you always say" Matt tells her "Come on let's go" I say as we walk out of his room and house and we all get a taxi to Brooklyn
Hope u enjoyed Matt's 16th birthday chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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