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I'm walking on 5th Ave near Sacred Heart, to get some food for the all nighter sleepover the gang and I are having when I hear a familiar voice that I was trying to forget about call my name I turn around "D-Dylan.. h-hey" I say nervously "no need to be nervous, I'm not gonna hurt you" He says as he tries to hug me and I pull away "I've heard that before" I scoff "So I heard you have a boyfriend now" "What's it to you?" I snap "He's older isn't he?" I roll my eyes "Again, you're not the one dating him. Don't fuck around with my life" I say as I walk away and he grabs me "Listen, I liked you since I first saw you, you're fucking mom got me away from you before I could do anything. Now I come back to hear you have a fucking boyfriend" "Dylan, I never liked you, I never had feelings for you, now I don't know what the hell we're arguing about but it better stop because I have a sleepover to get to" I tell him as I try to get away from him "get away from me sw*ne"
(Hate the word but love the song lmao)
"What the hell did you just call me?" He asks "You heard me" I smirk he hits me "See ya later bitch" he says to me as he leaves and I run back to the apartment
Time skip.........
I run into the apartment and run into my room having my friends confused I hear a knock on my door "It's open" I cry "Hey baby what's wrong?" Matt asks hugging me "D-Dylan he came up to me today, I don't how but he knows about you and he was jealous and he slapped me" I say "HE WHAT?!" Matt demands as I jump "Sorry J, I just, no one should ever lay a hand on you" I smile and kiss him "I love you y'know that?" "I love you too" as Mom, Taylor and the rest of the gang come in "We were kinda listening through the door" Taylor admits as Mom comes up to me "Matt's right honey, no one should ever lay a hand on you.... except y'know when you and Matt h-" "Ms Germanotta, in all due respect, please stop talking. Like right now" Matt tells her as Mom rolls her eyes "It's just, I never thought I would have a relationship where it's physical" I say "Emotionally, verbally and mentally but never physically" "At least you didn't go through what I did, that's all that matters to me, I don't want you to go through the same pain I did for many years" I smile "Thanks Mom, I never want to either" I say as Mads comes back with chocolate and records "Thanks guys" I tell them as they hug me "No problem J, you're our bestie. It's what we do" Emily says "Also Matt you Seriously are like Taylor sometimes when it comes to protecting Jade" Nate notices as we both laugh "Thanks?" Matt asks as we sit in my room and listen to music
Hopefully u liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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