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Taylor walks into the living room "Hey" I say "Hey kiddo" he hugs me "Where's Mom?" I ask "Oh uh something came up. She's out with Tara and Aunt Nat" I nod "Can I hang out with my friends today?" I ask him "Yeah... just don't do anything you'll regret ok?" He says "Ok Thanks" I say as I run out the door
Time skip.......
I meet my friends on 5th street "So what do you wanna do?" Ryan asks "Don't know. Got any ideas?" Mads asks "We can go shopping" Emily says Nate rolls his eyes "Hell no. Ry and I are not waiting for another one of your shopping trips" he says "Can I ask you guys something?" I ask "Sure" Emily says "Taylor was acting weird today.. he was saying something was up with my mom" "Well that could mean anything" Ryan admits I nod "It could be her hip again but if it was she would have told me. I don't think it's that" I say "Well what do you think it is? What doesn't she tell you?" Nate asks "She tells me everything" I say "Except... she told me about my father the other day..." I tell them "Do you know who it is?" Mads asks I shake my head "Wait your Mom's 32 right?" I nod "Who was she dating when she had you?" Ryan asks "How the hell should I know?" I ask "Good point" "I don't think she was dating anybody. She was still working and a teenager" I start to become nervous "Holy shit" I say "I remember when I was 12 I practically begged Taylor to tell me about her ex's" "Why?" Mads asks "I don't know" I laugh "He told me about them. I asked him which one was my dad and he said he would tell me when I was older" I say "Your mom was 18 right?" Nate asks "Almost 19 I think yeah" I say as Emily goes on her phone "What are you doing?" I ask "Researching. Ok so when your mom was 18 she was still-?" I nod "Still what?" Ryan asks "Ry, do you know anything about my mom?" I ask "Not really" he admits "Apparently" I scoff "Hey at least I'm learning now. We're practically solving a mystery about her" I roll my eyes "Which one of her exes raped her though? I need to know that" I say "Why would you wanna fucking know that?" Nate asks me "Because whoever did. That motherfuckers my father" I say "Damn. We gotta find this out" Mads says "For her sake" Emily adds "Which bar?" I ask "For what? Why are we going to a bar?" Ryan asks "Because we're seeing if people know who broke her" I tell him "Oh ok" he says as I roll my eyes
"Uhhh... 4th Avenue Pub" 
A/N: I actually don't know what bar she used to go go in but whatever also is go go two words or one?)
"Ok good. Let's go, where is it?" I ask "uhhhhh.... 76 4th Avenue" she says
"Ok! Let's go" I yell as I start running across the street and they follow me
Time skip..............
"I think you forgot one thing Jade" Mads yells as she runs across the street meeting us "We're not 21" "Right.... uhhh" Before I answer a lady walks out "You kids shouldn't be here. What are you trying to sneak in? Teenagers these days" I roll my eyes while Nate just laughs "We need to ask you about Stefani Germanotta" I say "I'm her daughter Jade" I say "What about her?" She asks "Was she dating anyone when she was working here?" Emily asks "She wasn't dating. But she did just get out of a relationship.. that was quite awful" the lady says "Who assaulted her?" I ask "That dudes my father" I say "I think it happened when she was walking home from work. New York streets are awful especially at night and if you walk alone" "Do you know the guy's name?" I ask "Sorry. I don't. You'll have to ask your mother that. I think his name is Luc though" "Thank you" I say "You're welcome darling" the lady smiles and walks away while my friends and I walk back to my apartment "Luc...Luc... the creepy dude?" Nate asks "Pretty sure" Emily comments as we head back to my apartment
Time skip........
Taylor opens the door "Your mom is with your father. Go in quietly" he says as my friends and I walk in and the man looks at us "Which one of them is my kid?" The man asks I walk up "Luc don't do this. Don't hurt her or me. Please" Mom begs crying "Oh don't worry babe" he smirks as I shudder "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask "You better watch your fucking mouth!" The man yells at me "Like yours is any better" I scoff "Look Luc get out of my house. We don't want you" "Look kid get out of here. Your mother and I are dealing with shit" I roll my eyes "You think I don't know anything? That you raped her? Because I do. And I'm gonna make sure you don't do that again" Luc laughs "So I guess everyone knows now huh? I'm sure you know also that your mother was nothing but a bitch" I roll my eyes "Don't fucking talk about her like that" I spat "She fucking dropped out of NYU" "You think no one else does that? You think no one else does that?" I ask "Jade just leave please. This is my battle not yours you already had yours" she says "Mom I'm helping you no matter what this is my battle too" I say to her as she nods Taylor walks out "Look dude just get the hell out of our apartment before I call the cops" He threatens "Already did that" Ryan says "Thanks Ry" I say as he nods "No problem" he says nervously as Luc walks up to him Taylor punches him in the face "Tay!" Mom yells "What the fuck?!" "Never come near my daughter or her friends ever again" he says as the cops soon come
Time skip.........
After the whole Luc situation we all sit on the couch "We went to the bar" I say "Why?" Taylor asks "Cause we wanted to find answers. We wanted to know ok? Who he was so we can stop him from doing anything" Emily adds "Thanks guys. I'm not happy you went to that bar though" Mom tells us "You're welcome Stef" Mads says "Also we didn't actually go in" "Ok well still.... and thanks for saving me" she says we smile "No problem Mom" I say "And thanks for punching him" She adds while laughing I smile "And thanks for saying I'm your daughter" I add "While you are. And that fucker got what he deserved" Taylor smirks "There's kids here" Mom warns "You curse like a million times a day Mom. I've hear it before" I laugh "Still" she says as we all laugh
I had to find out where that bar was lmao research a lot of shit again but whatever also I'm just thinking of Taylor punching Luc in the face as Bradley Cooper in the A Star Is Born trailer when he punches the other guy (idk y but I'm excited to find out also y the hell does Gaga punch a wall??) I'm not ready to see A Star Is Born but yet again I'm so excited bc her acting is amazing, it's gonna be in theaters!!! And imma be crying my eyes out lmao. I'm so excited to see the comparison between her acting on AHS v.s her acting in A Star Is Born

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